
Medical Marijuana Registry Programs

The Associated Press has compiled a comprehensive dataset on medical marijuana registry programs as of April 2019 across the U.S and Puerto Rico through formal records requests, published program reports, confirmed media reports and miscellaneous department documents. The dataset includes patient numbers at the state level for all participating states, for 12 states at the county level and DC at the ward level, but does not include data from California, Washington state or Maine. Years available vary by state, based on program age and data availability.

The data provided with this purchase includes:

  • A layout table. Outlines what data is available for each state (along with a PDF outlining state-by-state details and caveats).
  • State-level medical marijuana registry data. Includes number of total patients, minor patients, patients over 65 (70 or 71) years old, qualifying conditions, and gender of patients over time.
  • County-level medical marijuana registry data. Total number of patients over time. Not available for all states.
  • Qualifying conditions. Outlines which qualifying conditions are included in the data for each state. States may allow access to medical marijuana for more qualifying conditions that listed here, but these are the categories available in the data.

Associated Press

Provided in collaboration with Associated Press

ProPublica & Associated Press

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Part of these collections:

Associated Press, States, Counties, Marijuana, and Drugs

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