
Small Business Loans

The SBA 7a business loans database contains information about loans guaranteed by the U.S. Small Business Administration under its main lending program, known as 7a. The data include loans approved by the SBA since 1990, when Congress created the agency to help entrepreneurs form or expand small enterprises.

The SBA's 7a program provides loans to small business owners who can't obtain financing through traditional channels. The program operates through private-sector lenders who provide loans that are, in turn, guaranteed by the SBA. The SBA7a program itself has no funds for direct lending or grants.

The data contain information on the business getting the loan including address and industry code, the bank lending the money, the amount loaned, and (where applicable) whether the loan was paid in full or charged off.

This data set includes all records 1990 - 2015.

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Part of these collections:

Loans, Small Business, Banks, and States