Este año electoral, la comisión encargada de supervisar la votación de este estado decisivo se ha estancado por divisiones partidistas en una cifra récord de asuntos clave, dando lugar a incongruencias, desorden y retrasos.
All Entries for Wisconsin
El atascamiento partidista en la Comisión Estatal Electoral de Wisconsin frustra a electores y funcionarios locales

With All Eyes on Wisconsin, Partisan Gridlock at State Elections Commission Frustrates Voters and Local Officials

The commission that oversees voting in the swing state has deadlocked along party lines this year on a record number of key issues, resulting in inconsistency, turmoil, and delays.
You Don’t Necessarily Need an ID to Vote in Milwaukee Today, But There’s a Catch
In Wisconsin, Radio Milwaukee is reporting that those without ID can still vote… in certain circumstances.