A Trump video targeting Florida’s growing Venezuelan American population falsely claimed that Venezuela’s socialist regime wanted Biden to win. But President Nicolás Maduro has said that he opposed both candidates.
All Entries for Florida
Trump Won Florida After Running a False Ad Tying Biden to Venezuelan Socialists

Trump ganó Florida tras publicar un anuncio falso que vinculaba a Biden con los socialistas venezolanos

Un anuncio de Trump dirigido a la creciente población venezolano-estadounidense de Florida declaró falsamente que el régimen socialista de Venezuela quería que Biden ganara. Pero el presidente Nicolás Maduro ha dicho que se opone a ambos candidatos.
Varias celebridades gastaron millones de dólares para que ex convictos de Florida pudieran votar. ¿Marcarán alguna diferencia?

Casi 13,000 ex convictos de Florida ahora podrían calificar para votar, después de un esfuerzo apoyado por Michael Bloomberg para pagar sus multas y honorarios judiciales. Pero muchos aún no saben que ya pueden participar en las elecciones legalmente.
Celebrities Spent Millions So Florida Felons Could Vote. Will It Make a Difference?

Nearly 13,000 Florida felons could now be eligible to vote after a Michael Bloomberg-backed push to pay their court fines and fees. But many still don’t know they can legally cast a ballot.
Florida via Miami Herald
New Tension at the Polls as Supporters Get Aggressive and Officials Call in Police
In Florida, the Gutting of a Landmark Law Leaves Few Felons Likely to Vote

State officials don’t know how many felons are registered or eligible to vote. So we did our own analysis and found only a very small percentage of them will be able to cast ballots this election. Some could face prosecution if they do.
Florida Election Brings High Turnout, Some Voting Snags
Turnout strained election locations across the state but did not appear to overwhelm them. Voters experienced a smattering of problems throughout the state, including issues with voting machines and unnecessary provisional ballot use.
Nothing Can Be Done About Pastor’s Sign Near Florida Polling Place, Authorities Say
The Pasco County Supervisor of Elections Office received dozens of complaints about a sign erected by a church’s pastor at a polling site that reads “Don’t vote for Democrats on Tuesday and sing ‘Oh how I love Jesus’ on Sunday.” The office says it can’t be removed because it is on private property outside the 100-foot perimeter where campaigning isn’t allowed.
Security Guards Block Access to Polling Station inside a Gated Community in South Florida
A polling location was moved into a facility in a private community, and security guards demanded IDs from voters who turned up to cast their ballots.
“Resistbot” Corrects Inaccurate Florida Early Voting Information
Resistbot, which helps people register and vote, sent the correction after an exchange on Twitter with a reporter from Electionland partner WLRN in South Florida.
Mailers Cause Confusion in Florida County
Voters in Hillsborough County are anxious about a letter they received asking for an updated signature on their voter registration application. Officials say the letters are meant to collect another signature for county records and do not mean a vote has been invalidated.
Political Group Behind Confusing Florida Mailers
People across Florida received mailers warning, erroneously in some cases, that their vote-by-mail ballots had not yet been returned. The mailers were sent by a Democratic political action committee, which said its goal was to remind mail-in voters to return their ballots.
Florida Mailer Leaves Voters Confused, Concerned
Some Florida voters who already sent in their ballots received official-looking flyers in the mail saying they hadn’t voted yet. The flyers turned out to have been sent by a political group, not by election officials. Here’s how Florida voters can check on the status of their mail-in ballot.
Voters in Little Havana Complain Of Not Enough Spanish-Speaking Poll Workers
South Florida voters tipped of Electionland to a lack of Spanish speakers working at the polls in neighborhoods that needed them the most. Our Miami partner, WLRN, followed up.