Jonathan Lai

La nueva ley de votación por correo de Pennsylvania amplía el acceso para todos...menos para los pobres

En la ciudad más pobre de Estados Unidos, las barreras del idioma, la inestabilidad de las viviendas y la falta de acceso a internet dificultan la votación por correo. Por eso los residentes de bajos ingresos de Filadelfia votarán en persona, si es que votan.

Pennsylvania’s New Vote-by-Mail Law Expands Access for Everyone Except the Poor

In America’s poorest big city, language barriers, unstable housing and lack of internet access make voting by mail difficult. So low-income Philadelphia residents will be voting in person, if at all.

Pennsylvania’s Rejection of 372,000 Ballot Applications Bewilders Voters and Strains Election Staff

Most rejected applications were deemed duplicates because voters had unwittingly checked a request box during the primary. The administrative nightmare highlights the difficulty of ramping up mail-in voting on the fly.

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