Ryann Grochowski Jones
Ryann Grochowski Jones was the data editor at ProPublica.
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Ryann Grochowski Jones was the data editor at ProPublica. Previously, she was a data reporter at ProPublica and at Investigative Newsource/KPBS in San Diego, California. She received her master’s degree from the University of Missouri School of Journalism, where she was a data librarian for Investigative Reporters and Editors/National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting. Ryann started her career as a municipal beat reporter for her hometown newspaper in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.
The Failed Promise of Independent Election Mapmaking
In Washington and other states, independent redistricting commissions have fallen prey to partisanship, just like the legislative bodies they were meant to replace.
We Found Over 700 Doctors Who Were Paid More Than a Million Dollars by Drug and Medical Device Companies
ProPublica has been tracking drug company spending on doctors since 2010. We just updated our database and found that companies are still paying private doctors huge sums for promotional talks and consulting.
by Charles Ornstein, Tracy Weber and Ryann Grochowski Jones,
Updated: Dollars for Docs
How much are your doctors being paid by drug or device companies? Look them up in our newly updated database.
by Mike Tigas, Ryann Grochowski Jones, Charles Ornstein and Lena V. Groeger,
See How Your Doctor or Provider’s Prescribing Patterns Compare
Medicare’s popular prescription-drug program serves more than 42 million people and pays for more than one of every four prescriptions written nationwide. Use this tool to find and compare over 460,000 doctors and other providers who wrote over 50 prescriptions in Part D in 2016.
by Ryann Grochowski Jones, Lena V. Groeger and Charles Ornstein,
Opioid Makers, Blamed for Overdose Epidemic, Cut Back on Marketing Payments to Doctors
Studies have shown that payments to doctors by opioid makers are linked to more prescribing of the drugs.
We’ve Added 2016 Data to Dollars for Docs
Is your doctor taking money from drug or device companies? Check with our newly updated app.
by Charles Ornstein, Mike Tigas, Ryann Grochowski Jones, and Lena V. Groeger,
We’ve Updated Our Treatment Tracker
Our database now includes records from 2015. Look up your doctor and other providers in the Medicare Part B program.
by Lena V. Groeger, Charles Ornstein, Ryann Grochowski Jones,
Bombs in Your Backyard
The military spends more than a billion dollars a year to clean up sites its operations have contaminated with toxic waste and explosives. A full map of these sites has never been made public — until now.
by Lena V. Groeger, Ryann Grochowski Jones and Abrahm Lustgarten,
Reporting Recipe: Bombs in Your Backyard
We published data on 40,000 hazardous sites across the country polluted by U.S. military operations. Here’s how journalists can find local stories.