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What The Gun Control Debate Ignores and More (MuckReads Weekly)

Some of the best #MuckReads we read this week. Want to receive these by email?  Sign up to get this briefing delivered to your inbox every weekend.

How The Gun Control Debate Ignores Black Lives, ProPublica

In 2012, there were 90 people killed in mass shootings and 6,000 black men killed with guns, yet the gun control debate focuses on the former. There are gun control strategies that work by looking at the primary victims of gun violence – why aren't we using them?

More: Why Counting Mass Shootings is a Bad Way to Understand Gun Violence in America

"All You Americans Are Fired.", Buzzfeed

A government program created to deal with worker shortages is being exploited in a big way by many businesses in the US. This Buzzfeed investigation reveals that several employers are going to "extraordinary lengths" to push Americans out of jobs so they can bring in foreign workers who have fewer protections.

Ranchers denied the drought while collecting drought subsidies, Reveal News

If you deny that a drought is happening, should you still be able to receive government money set aside for drought relief?

The County, The Guardian

America's deadliest police force isn't in a major metro like New York City, Chicago or Los Angeles – it's in Kern County, California where police kill more people per capita than anywhere in the nation. The first two parts of this Guardian series examine how officers "became the country's most lethal," and how their tactics have killed people.

A Grim Bargain, Washington Post

Low-skilled workers, who were once the Deep South's weakness, are driving foreign companies to the region. This is an in-depth look at the effect one company had on a struggling city in Alabama.

Instruments of Oppression, Huffington Post

Rape victims around the world are resorting to "grisly and unsafe" abortions due to a federal law. Highline takes a look at the Helms amendment and the steps to get rid of it.

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