Senior Editor, South Office

We are not currently accepting applications for this position.

ProPublica is seeking an experienced editor devoted to journalism with moral force to lead its new investigative unit in the South.

ProPublica is expanding its local presence by adding offices in the South and the Southwest and augmenting its presence in the Midwest. This will be in addition to our joint initiative with The Texas Tribune and our Local Reporting Network. We are adding reporters, editors and members of our specialized teams to work on these local efforts.

The South has played a central role in ProPublica’s coverage. Our investigations have drawn attention to the disproportionate toll of bankruptcies in Memphis, Tennessee, diabetic amputations in Mississippi, the industry backlash about mandatory sprinklers in new homes in South Carolina and the inadequate unemployment system in North Carolina. We’ve also had Local Reporting Network partners whose work has produced major impact across the region.

This editor will be based in Atlanta and will have the responsibility to guide, edit and elevate the work of six reporters who will work for the unit and to ultimately create compelling investigations that spur change.

What you would be doing:

  • Helping to hire and then overseeing six investigative reporters who will cover Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama and Tennessee.

  • Working with ProPublica researchers, data visualization reporters, engagement reporters, audience and video staffers, and story producers.

  • Setting the tone for coverage in an important region with many untold stories.

We’re looking for someone who:

  • Has a track record — as either an editor or reporter — of landing revelatory stories about abuses of power.

  • Aches to tell stories that are both important and powerfully told.

  • Is truly excited about all the possible ways we can do journalism nowadays: from deep data-digging to working with readers to marrying narrative and investigative forms.

  • Really likes working with others. We’re a collaborative news organization. We want the same for this new team.

What you should send us:

  • The most important part by far is your past work. Send us links to your best stuff. Let us know how your editing shaped and improved the stories. Don’t be shy — tell us what worked (numbers and evidence of impact welcome!) and how you’d do it differently next time. Editing is about far more than moving around words. Show us how you think.

  • Your thoughts on local or regional projects you think ProPublica should do in the South. What kind of stories grab your attention? How should they be told? Be expansive: Are these more effective as narratives, hard news stories, immersive interactives, etc.?

  • Your resume.

We know there are great candidates who may not fit into what we’ve described above or who have important skills we haven’t thought of. If that’s you, don’t hesitate to apply and tell us about yourself.

We are dedicated to improving our newsroom, in part by better reflecting the people we cover. (Here is a breakdown of our staff.) We are committed to diversity and building an inclusive environment for people of all backgrounds and ages. And we are taking steps to meet that commitment. We especially encourage members of traditionally underrepresented communities to apply, including women, people of color, LGBTQ people and people with disabilities.

If all of this sounds exciting to you, you can apply using this form. The deadline for applications is midnight Pacific time on Monday, Nov. 2.

This job is full time and includes benefits. The position will be based in our Atlanta office (when it’s safe to open). Applicants must be eligible to work in the U.S. Questions? Send them to [email protected]. No phone calls, please.

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