Erin Einhorn
Louisiana Limits Solitary Confinement for Youth
The governor signed Louisiana’s first law restricting isolation for youth after two suicides and a ProPublica, NBC News and The Marshall Project investigation into harsh conditions in a new state juvenile facility.
by Annie Waldman, ProPublica, Beth Schwartzapfel, The Marshall Project, and Erin Einhorn, NBC News,
Louisiana Lawmakers Could Limit Solitary Confinement for Teens Following Alarming Revelations
An investigation by ProPublica, NBC News and The Marshall Project found that youth in a Louisiana lockup were held in solitary around the clock for weeks.
by Annie Waldman, ProPublica, Beth Schwartzapfel, The Marshall Project, and Erin Einhorn, NBC News,
Shackled and in Solitary
Teens at Louisiana’s newest juvenile lockup, Acadiana Center for Youth at St. Martinville, were held in solitary confinement around the clock, shackled with leg irons and deprived of an education. “This is child abuse,” one expert said.
by Annie Waldman, ProPublica; Beth Schwartzapfel, The Marshall Project; and Erin Einhorn, NBC News,