Ken Schwencke

News Applications Editor

Photo of Ken Schwencke

Ken Schwencke is the editor of our news applications team, which creates interactive databases and graphics. Ken has been with ProPublica since 2016, where he has worked on our award-winning Electionland project, ran our database of nonprofit data, and reported on LGBTQ issues and white supremacists. Previously, he worked on The New York Times’ interactive news team and the Los Angeles Times data desk. He has a journalism degree from The University of Florida.

Hate Crime Training for Police Is Often Inadequate, Sometimes Nonexistent

Only a fraction of bias crimes ever get reported. Fewer still get successfully prosecuted. Perhaps the widespread lack of training for frontline officers has something to do with that.

This Is Where Hate Crimes Don’t Get Reported

FBI statistics on hate crimes remain frustratingly inadequate. Here are some of the jurisdictions where low or nonexistent reporting leave us with known unknowns.

Spurned by Major Companies, The Daily Stormer Returns to the Web With Help From a Startup

The 20-year-old founder of BitMitigate said he had taken on the neo-Nazi website because he believes in free speech and because, “I thought it would really get my service out there.”

Service Provider Boots Hate Site Off the Internet

The web services company Cloudflare appears to have ended its relationship with the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer.

Confusion, Fear, Cynicism: Why People Don’t Report Hate Incidents

The Matthew Shepard Foundation has been trying to learn more about why so many victims of potential hate crimes — more than 50 percent annually according to the feds — don’t file complaints with the authorities.

Preferential Rents in NYC

Newly released data shows ZIP codes where rents could suddenly jump for rent-stabilized apartments.

More Than 100 Federal Agencies Fail to Report Hate Crimes to the FBI’s National Database

The gaps in data damage efforts to understand the nature and scope of violence driven by racial and religious hatred.

Internet Company That Does Business With Hate Sites Alters Complaint Policies

Cloudflare, a major content delivery company, responds to concerns about the safety of those who object to disturbing material on the web.

How One Major Internet Company Helps Serve Up Hate on the Web

Cloudflare, a prominent San Francisco outfit, provides services to neo-Nazi sites like The Daily Stormer, including giving them personal information on people who complain about their content.

A 2-for-1 for Racists: Post Hateful Fliers, and Revel in the News Coverage

White supremacists have targeted college campuses, causing upset and gaining attention.

Across the Country, Reports of Swastika Graffiti

Browse examples of anti-Semitic graffiti collected as part of our “Documenting Hate” project.

In an Angry and Fearful Nation, an Outbreak of Anti-Semitism

ProPublica’s Documenting Hate project recorded more than 330 reports of anti-Semitic incidents during a three-month span, from early November to early February.

Map: Bomb Threats to Jewish Community Centers and Organizations

A timeline of bomb threats against Jewish Community Centers and other organizations

Tracking Evictions and Rent Stabilization in NYC

We’ve mapped more than 450,000 New York City eviction cases filed between January 2013 and June 2015. Look up your building to see its recent eviction cases and whether it may be rent-stabilized.

In An Ugly Election Result, Hate Surges Online

Has Trump emboldened extremists? Some disquieting early returns.

Hate Crimes Are Up — But the Government Isn’t Keeping Good Track of Them

There is considerable anxiety about the potential for violence after a bitter national election. The data kept on hate crimes won’t reassure anyone.

How Are Elections Run in Your County?

One way to predict how the 2016 election will run is to look at how things went the last time we elected a president.

Election DataBot

This new tool, updated every 15 minutes, collects huge amounts of election data and reports the most interesting details, in real time, about campaign finance filings, congressional votes, polls, forecasts, Google search trends, and more.

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