Stefanie Dodt
Judge Lifts U.S. Ban on Mexicans Entering Country to Sell Blood Plasma
Mexicans with short-term visas comprised as much as 10% of all plasma collected in the U.S when the practice was banned last year. Now, a federal judge has granted a preliminary injunction.
Pharma Companies Sue for the Right to Buy Blood From Mexicans Along Border
A year after the U.S. barred Mexicans from crossing the border to sell their blood, pharmaceutical companies have acknowledged that those donations provided as much as 10% of the plasma collected nationwide as they seek to have the ban overturned.
The U.S. Is Closing a Loophole That Lured Mexicans Over the Border to Donate Blood Plasma for Cash
Selling blood plasma in the U.S. could net Mexican residents hundreds of dollars a month — if they donated often enough. But some were putting their health at risk to do so.
Las tácticas de las compañías farmacéuticas para atraer a mexicanos que donen plasma en la frontera con EEUU
Las compañías ofrecen altas remuneraciones y bonos por “traer a un amigo” a los mexicanos que cruzan la frontera con visas temporales para donar plasma sanguíneo. La protección para la salud de los donantes que ofrece Estados Unidos es mucho más débil que en la mayoría de los países.
Pharmaceutical Companies Are Luring Mexicans Across the U.S. Border to Donate Blood Plasma
Companies offer high payments and bring-a-friend bonuses to Mexicans who cross the border on temporary visas to donate blood plasma. The U.S. offers weaker health protections for donors than most countries.
Facebook Allowed Questionable Ads in German Election Despite Warnings
CEO Mark Zuckerberg promised to ensure the campaign’s integrity, but the company didn’t take down anti-Green party posts of unknown origin.