Vietnam veteran Dale Worcester, who served aboard the gasoline tanker U.S.S. Tombigbee from 1966 to 1967, emailed ProPublica recently looking for a connection. He wrote: “Do you have any other Tombigbee crewmen that you have made contact with on this Agent Orange [inquiry]?”
The “inquiry” he referenced is a survey ProPublica and The Virginian-Pilot launched to investigate the impact Agent Orange has had on the health of vets and their family members. Worcester was one of more than 800 Navy vets who have filled it out, with nearly 4,000 stories submitted in total. But a query to the database found only one entry for the Tombigbee. It was Worcester’s.
Yet, there’s information out there — on the Internet and in the veteran’s hands. A quick Google search of his ship produced a photo archive, a history of the ship and a crew roster spanning nearly two decades. These types of links have helped us connect with veterans similar to Worcester.
There is also more detailed information available, including deck logs, official command histories, and other documents that Vietnam veteran sailors often need to obtain Agent Orange benefits from the Department of Veteran Affairs. Nearly 350 ships have been added to a list used by the VA to determine who is eligible for benefits; 40 years after the war, additional ships are still being added as new information is submitted to the VA.
This got us thinking about how we could organize information on specific ships or units in Vietnam, and invite veterans to help share their knowledge with us.
Based on information from the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Association and the VA, ProPublica compiled a list of more than 700 Navy ships that either saw combat in Vietnam or whose activities may have exposed it to Agent Orange. We are asking veterans to help us compile information for each of these ships by annotating the list below with information about related records, active veteran’s organizations or anything else they know that could help others document their own wartime experience.
Did you serve on one of these ships, or have information that could help veterans who did?
We’re using an annotation tool called Genius to collect information by ship. Share what you know by highlighting specific ships in the list below and annotating them with your comments, or see what others are sharing by clicking on the highlighted entries. Here are some helpful tips for working with this list.
How to update this list
1. Add your notes to a ship: Use your cursor to highlight the ship you served on or have information about. Once you’ve highlighted it, you’ll see a little icon above the highlight, click that. This will bring up the annotation box. You’ll have to sign in to share, and can either create a Genius account or sign in with your preferred social media account. Once logged in, you can start annotating.

2. Add to an existing entry: If a ship is already highlighted, that means someone has added notes already. To add your own comments or questions, click the highlight and you’ll see a “reply” box beneath the existing notes on the right hand side of the page. Enter your name and email to reply with additional information about this ship.
What to share
1. Basic information about your ship and fellow veterans: We’re especially interested in Facebook groups about your ship or crew, websites dedicated to the ship, reunion sites, crew lists, and any other relevant online resources. Sharing this type of information will help us reach out to veterans to learn more about generational effects of Agent Orange.
2. Any information regarding Agent Orange and your ship: This may include articles you’ve read about your potential exposure, resources you’ve found that helped you navigate the VA when seeking benefits, or any evidence (including deck logs) that helps documents the ship’s location and your potential exposure. Sharing this type of information may also help veterans with their benefits claims.
The list of ships below includes the Vietnam activities that the VA accepts as incidents of exposure to Agent Orange to that ship’s sailors. For some ships, the VA shows no activities that potentially exposed them to Agent Orange. That means those stationed aboard these ships would not qualify for Agent Orange benefits. Those ships are noted.
Note: If you see any issues with the ship name or number, if you believe a ship should be on this list but isn’t, if you have any issues annotating a ship, or have documents you’d like to share but not post publicly, email [email protected].
We are working on compiling similar lists to annotate for the other branches of the military. Stay tuned.
U.S.S. Abnaki (ATF–96) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Acme (MSO–508) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Advance (MSO–510) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Agerholm (DD–826) operated on Song Nga River and Ganh Rai Bay during March-April 1969
U.S.S. Ajax (AR–6) [Repair Ship] anchored in Vung Tau area for repair duties with evidence of shore-based repairs during June 1968, September to October 1969, April to May 1970, and August to November 1971
U.S.S. Alamo (LSD–33) conducted numerous troop, supply, and equipment landings with smaller boats at Da Nang, Vung Tau, Song Bo De, An Thoi, and Tan My between August 1964 and October 1972; landed Marines while at Qui Nhon Bay during July 1965 and at Rung Sat Special Zone during March-April 1966; while anchored in Da Nang Harbor, sent crewmembers ashore for R&R beach parties during March-April 1969
U.S.S. Albatross (MSC–289) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Albert David (DE–1050) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Aldebaran (AF–10) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Alfred A Cunningham (DD–752) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Allen M Sumner (DD–692) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Aludra (AF–55) conducted in-port docking replenishments at Cam Ranh Bay, Vung Tau, An Thoi, and Da Nang during March-April 1969
U.S.S. Alvin C. Cockrell (DE–366) anchored in Saigon Harbor for four days during May 1962
U.S.S. America (CVA–66) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Anchorage (LSD–36) transported troops and supplies into Qui Nhon Bay during June 1970 and January 1972; Anchorage (LSD–36) transported troops and supplies to and from shore with smaller craft at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, Vung Tau, and An Thoi from February 1970 through July 1972
U.S.S. Annapolis (AGMR–1) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Antelope (PG–86) Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Apache (ATF–67) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Arikara (ATF–98) [Fleet Ocean Tug] assisted with salvage operations on Saigon River during August 1966; docked to piers at Da Nang from September to December 1969
U.S.S. Arlington (AGMR–2) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Arnold J Isbell (DD–869) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Asheville (PG–84) Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Ashtabula (AO–51) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Askari (ARL–30) [Repair Ship] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Aspro (SSN–648) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Ault (DD–689) operated on Mekong River Delta and Soirap River during May 26, 1967
U.S.S. Bache (DD–470) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Badger (DE–1071) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Bainbridge (DLGN–25) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Barb (SSN–596) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Barbel (SS–580) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Barbour County (LST–1195) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Barney (DDG–6) [Guided Missile Destroyer] while serving as Flagship for Destroyer Division One Six Two, sent crew members ashore at Da Nang for gunfire mission planning during June-July 1967
Barracks Barge (APL–26) [Sleeping Quarters] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
Barracks Barge (APL–30) [Sleeping Quarters] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Barry (DD–933) operated on Saigon River during December 1965
U.S.S. Bashaw (AGSS–241) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Basilone (DD–824) operated on Saigon River, May 24–25, 1966
U.S.S. Bauer (DE–1025) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Bausell (DD–845) sent small boat ashore for briefing while in Da Nang Harbor on November 27, 1968
U.S.S. Baya (AGSS–318) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Bayfield (APA–33) conducted troop on loading and “mike boat” landings at Da Nang, Chu Lai, Baie de My Han, and Cua Viet River from July through October 1965 and February through May 1967
U.S.S. Beale (DD–471) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Belknap (DLG–26) while in Da Nang Harbor on December 1, 1969, received crew members back to ship from temporary duty ashore
U.S.S. Bellatrix (AF–62) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Belle Grove (LSD–2) [Landing Ship Dock] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Benewah (APB–35) [Self-Propelled Barracks Ship] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Benjamin Stoddert (DDG–22) operated on the Song Lang Nuog River December 24, 1965 and the Cua Viet River April 25, 1972; sent small boats ashore from Da Nang Harbor on September 17, 1969 and December 22, 1970
U.S.S. Benner (DD–807) operated on Ganh Rai Bay and Rung Sat Special Zone during June 26-July 1, 1968
U.S.S. Bennington (CVS–20) [Anti-Submarine Aircraft Carrier] entered Qui Nhon Bay Harbor to pick up Bob Hope for onboard Christmas show on December 26, 1966
U.S.S. Berkeley (DDG–15) sent small boats ashore at Da Nang and elsewhere for gunfire support missions during May-June 1970
U.S.S. Bexar (APA–237) [Attack Transport] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Biddle (DLG–34) sent whaleboat ashore from Da Nang Harbor for briefings on March 5 and June 2, 1968 and delivered North Vietnamese fisherman ashore at Da Nang on July 30, 1969
U.S.S. Bigelow (DD–942) docked to pier at Da Nang for one hour on April 19, 1967
U.S.S. Black (DD–666) operated on Saigon River during February 1965, Qui Nhon Bay during June 1965, and Saigon River during July 1966
U.S.S. Blackfin (SS–322) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Blakely (DE–1072) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Blanco County (LST–344) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Blandy (DD–943) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Blue (DD–744) anchored in Da Nang Harbor on April 21, 1968, with crewmembers going ashore for picnic
U.S.S. Blue Ridge (LCC–19) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Blueback (SS–581) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Bluegill (AGSS/SS–242) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Bolster (ARS–38) crew operated on land to extract Clark County (LST–601) from beach after grounding at Duc Pho from November 18 to December 1, 1967
U.S.S. Bon Homme Richard (CVA–31) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Bonefish (SS–582) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Bordelon (DD–881) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Borie (DD–704) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Boston (CA–69/CAG–1) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Boxer (LPH–4) docked to pier at Cam Ranh Bay on September 9, 1965
U.S.S. Boyd (DD–544) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Bradley (DE–1041) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Braine (DD–630) docked to pier at Da Nang on November 27, 1966
U.S.S. Brannon (DE–446) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Bream (AGSS–243) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Breckinridge (T-AP–176) entered Qui Nhon Bay September 16–17, 1965
U.S.S. Bridget (DE–1024) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Brinkley Bass (DD–887) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Brister (DER–327) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Bronstein (DE–1037) [Destroyer Escort] docked to pier at Da Nang on December 11, 1972
U.S.S. Bronstein (DE–189) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Brooke (DEG–1) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Brownson (DD–868) operated on Song Nha Be River and Mekong River Delta during February 1967
U.S.S. Brule (AKL–28) [Light Cargo Ship] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Brush (DD–745) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Buchanan (DDG–14) docked to pier with destroyer tender at Da Nang during April 11–12, 1972
U.S.S. Buck (DD–761) operated on Mekong River Delta and Saigon River during October 1966
U.S.S. Bugara (SS–331) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Bulloch County (LST–509) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Butte (AE–27) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Cabildo (LSD–16) conducted numerous troop, supply, and equipment landings at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, and Vung Tau from July 1965 to November 1968; delivered equipment to Nha Be via the Long Tau River during June 1968
U.S.S. Cacapon (AO–52) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Caddo Parish (LST–515) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Caiman (SS–323) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Caliente (AO–53) [Fleet Oiler] docked for in-port replenishment at An Thoi and Vung Tau during June 1970
U.S.S. Calvert (APA–32) [Amphibious Attack Transport] served as Da Nang Harbor station ship, with crewmembers going ashore, from November 1965 through January 1966; entered Qui Nhon Bay during October 1965
U.S.S. Camden (AOE–2) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Camp (DER–251) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Canberra (CAG–2) [Guided Missile Cruiser] operated on Saigon River from March 31 through April 1, 1966, on Mekong Delta Ham Luong River during January 15, 1967, and on Cua Viet River (Song Thach Han) during December 10, 1968; sent small boats and helicopters ashore while anchored in Da Nang Harbor during April 1965
U.S.S. Canon (PG–90) Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Capitaine (AGSS–336) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Carbonero (SS–337) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Card (ACV–11) [Escort Aircraft Carrier] mined, sunk, and salvaged in Saigon River Harbor during May 1964
U.S.S. Caroline County (LST–525) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Carpenter (DD–825) sent medical team ashore at Song Tra Village on December 20, 1968
U.S.S. Carronade (IFS–1) Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Carter Hall (LSD–3) [Landing Ship Dock] delivered supplies up Saigon River to Nha Be during March-May 1967 and June 1968; served four-month duty as “boat repair ship” in Da Nang Harbor during 1965, with evidence of crew members going ashore; while anchored offshore, conducted troop-landing operations with “mike boats” at Da Nang, Dong Ha, and other locations from July 1965 through November 1968
U.S.S. Castor (AKS–1) [General Stores Ship] docked to pier at Da Nang on October 7, 1966
U.S.S. Catamount (LSD–17) conducted numerous troop, supply, and equipment landings at Da Nang, Vung Tau, and Cua Viet River area on piers and with small boats from December 1965 to May 1969; operated on Nha Be and Long Tau Rivers during April 1969
U.S.S. Catfish (SS–339) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Catskill (MCS/MSC–1) [Minesweeper-Coastal] entered Saigon River on March 18, 1970
U.S.S. Cavalier (APA–37) conducted troop landings with mike boats at Chu Lai and Da Nang during March-August 1966 and January-May 1968; entered Qui Nhon Bay on February 2, 1968; served as Da Nang Harbor station ship, with crewmembers going ashore, from June-July 1966
U.S.S. Cayuga (LST–1186) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Chanticleer (ASR–7) [Submarine Rescue/Salvage Ship] traveled up the Saigon River and docked at Saigon during February 1963
U.S.S. Chara (AE–31) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Charles Berry (DE–1035) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Charles E Brannon (DE–446) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Charles H Roan (DD–853) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Charles P Cecil (DD–835) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Charles R Ware (DD–865) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Charles S. Sperry (DD–697) docked at Da Nang during January 1966; operated on Saigon River during December 1965
U.S.S. Charleston (LKA–113) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Charr (SS–328) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Chase County (LST–532) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Chemung (AO–30) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Chesterfield Co (LST–551) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Chevalier (DD–805) operated on Saigon River during June 15–21, 1966, and Mekong River Delta during January 25, 1968
U.S.S. Chicago (CG–11) [Guided Missile Cruiser] while anchored in Da Nang Harbor on May 22, 1969, deck logs show a utility boat went ashore for one hour with 8 crewmembers aboard
U.S.S. Chipola (AO–63) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Chowanoc (ATF–100) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Cimarron (AO–22) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Clarion River (LSMR/LFR–409) [Landing Ship, Medium, Rocket] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Clarke County (LST–601) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Claud Jones (DE–1033) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Cleveland (LPD–7) [Amphibious Transport Dock] sent Naval Academy Midshipmen on training mission ashore at Da Nang on 9–10 July, 1970; while anchored offshore, sent “mike boats” up Cua Viet River and Hue River from November 1967 through 1968 and up Saigon River during September 1969
U.S.S. Cochrane (DDG–21) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Coconino County (LST–603) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Cocopa (ATF–101) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Cogswell (DD–651) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Cohoes (ANL–78) [Net laying ship] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Colahan (DD–658) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Colleton (APB–36) [Self-Propelled Barracks Ship] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Collett (DD–730) provided naval gunfire support while in the Mekong River on August 19, 1965
U.S.S. Colonial (LSD–18) traveled on Saigon River to Nha Be on June 22 and September 25–30, 1969
U.S.S. Columbus (CG–12) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Comstock (LSD–19) [Landing Ship Dock] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Cone (DD–866) docked to pier in Da Nang Harbor on December 11, 1972
U.S.S. Conflict (MSO–426) [Minesweeper-Ocean] docked to piers at Cam Ranh Bay on September 30, October 7, 27, 28, and 31, 1971; operated on Saigon River April 1, 1966 and Song Huong River (Perfume River) May 14, 1966
U.S.S. Conquest (MSO–488) operated on Saigon River during 1962 and entered Qui Nhon Bay on January 29 and February 7–9, 1969
U.S.S. Conserver (ARS–39) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Constant (MSO–427) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Constellation (CVA–64) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Conway (DD–507) operated on Saigon River during early August 1966
U.S.S. Cony (DD–508) operated on Ganh Rai Bay during November 6–7, 1967
U.S.S. Cook (APD–130) [High Speed Transport] conducted tactical beach surveys with crew members ashore along Vietnam coast during June and July 1966
U.S.S. Cook (FF–1083) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Coontz (DLG–9) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Coral Sea (CVA–43) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Core (ACV–13) traveled on Saigon River to delivered aircraft to Saigon during June 1965
U.S.N.S. Corpus Christi Bay (T-ARVH–1) [Helicopter Repair Ship] anchored in Cam Ranh Bay from 1966 to 1969 with US Army crew of helicopter repair technicians who went ashore regularly and assisted a Vietnamese orphanage
U.S.S. Corry (DD–817) sent small boats ashore while anchored in Da Nang Harbor January 11–12, 1969 and Nha Trang Harbor February 20, 1969
U.S.S. Coucal (ASR–8) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Cowell (DD–547) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Cree (ATF–84) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Crockett (PG–88) Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Current (ARS–22) [Salvage Ship] conducted salvage operations on Saigon River during July 1964 and April 1967 and Qui Nhon Bay during May 1967 and August 1971
U.S.S. Currituck (AV–7) [Sea Plane Tender] anchored at Cam Ranh Bay for month long periods during 1966 and 1967 to repair and tend to Navy sea planes, with evidence that crewmembers went ashore on liberty leave; traveled up Saigon River to Saigon during early 1964 and operated in Mekong River Delta during June 1965
U.S.S. Cusk (SS–348) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Dahlgren (DLG–12) sent motorized whaleboat and Captain’s gig ashore while anchored in Da Nang Harbor on June 4, 1967
U.S.S. Dale (DLG–19) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Damato (DD–871) operated on Saigon River during December 12–13, 1967
U.S.S. Davidson (DE–1045) operated on Vung Ganh Rai and Rung Sat Special Zone of Mekong River Delta from September 16 to October 5, 1967; sent motorized whaleboat ashore while anchored off coast of Tan My on September 20, 1972
U.S.S. Davis (DD–937) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. De Haven (DD–727) operated on Mekong River September 1, 1963; operated on Saigon River during early March 1967
U.S.S. Decatur (DDG–31) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Deliver (ARS–23) docked in Cam Ranh Bay to pick up DeLong floating pier July 26–28, 1973
U.S.S. Delta (AR–9) anchored in Vung Tau Harbor repairing other vessels during July 1969 with deck logs showing that crewmembers went ashore on liberty leave
U.S.S. Dennis J Buckley (DD–808) docked to pier in Da Nang Harbor to deliver drone on December 15, 1969; operated on Mekong River Delta, Saigon River, and Ganh Rai Bay during July 1965 and from December 19, 1966 to January 16, 1967; and on Mekong River Delta during June 1971
U.S.S. Denver (LPD–9) transported troops, equipment, and supplies ashore with smaller vessels and docked at Da Nang and elsewhere from February-September 1970; March-June and November 1971; and January-August 1972
U.S.S. Desoto County (LST–1171) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Dewey (DLG–14) sent whaleboat ashore for briefing while in Da Nang Harbor on January 15, 1968
U.S.S. Diachenko (APD–123) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Diamond Head (AE–19) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Diodon (SS–349) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Dixie (AD–14) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Douglas H. Fox (DD–779) operated on Ganh Rai Bay and Rung Sat Special Zone during March 16–20, 1969
U.S.S. Du Pont (DD–941) operated on Mekong River Delta during October 1968
U.S.S. Dubuque (LPD–8) docked at Da Nang on March 15, 1970; transported troops, equipment, and supplies ashore with smaller vessels and docked at Da Nang and elsewhere from June-November 1968, October-December 1969, January-March 1970, and April-July 1971
U.S.S. Duluth (LPD–6) made numerous dockings at Da Nang, as well as transporting troops and supplies to Chu Lai, Vung Tau, and Quang Tri, from May 1967 to August 1972
U.S.S. Duncan (DD–874) operated on Long Tau River and Rung Sat Special Zone during January 1969 and Qui Nhon Bay during March 1969; sent small boat ashore for briefing while anchored in Da Nang Harbor on December 14, 1968; operated on Saigon River during September and October 1965
U.S.S. Durham (LKA–114) [Amphibious Cargo Ship] docked to piers at Da Nang during March 20–21, July 20–21, August 18–19, and September 7, 1970
U.S.S. Dyess (DD–880) operated on Saigon River and Rung Sat Special Zone from June 19–July 1, 1966
U.S.S. Dynamic (MSO–432) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Eaton (DD–510) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Edmonds (DE–406) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Edson (DD–946) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Eldorado (AGC–11) sent crewmembers ashore for beach party at Cam Ranh Bay during July 1970
U.S.S. Elkhorn (AOG–7) [Gasoline Tanker] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Embattle (MSO–434) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Endurance (MSO–435) docked to piers at Da Nang at various times during March-June, 1969
U.S.S. Energy (MSO–436) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Engage (MSO–433) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. England (DLG–22) sent whaleboat ashore from Da Nang Harbor for mission briefings on March 9, 1967 and July 30, 1968
U.S.S. Enhance (MSO–437) entered Qui Nhon Bay repeatedly during October through November 1968 and January through February 1969
U.S.S. Enterprise (CVAN–65) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Epperson (DD–719) docked to Da Nang Pier on October 4, 1970; operated on Qui Nhon Bay during November 1965; while anchored off Phan Thiet on November 16, 1969, crewmembers went ashore for liberty leave
U.S.S. Epping Forest (MCS–7/LSD–4) [Mine Countermeasure Support Ship] conducted “goodwill” tours at Cam Ranh Bay and Nha Trang with crewmembers going ashore and Vietnamese coming aboard during September-October 1964, and mine sweep of Cua Viet River using smaller vessels from main ship during May 1968
U.S.S. Ernest G. Small (DDR–838) [Radar Picket Destroyer] repeatedly sent small boats ashore with naval gunfire spotters in II Corps area during April-May 1966
U.S.S. Esteem (MSO–438) crewmembers painted a Vietnamese orphanage while docked at Qui Nhon Bay during December 1967 and again during March 1969
U.S.S. Estes (AGC–12) [Amphibious Force Flagship] entered Qui Nhon Bay during June 1965 and anchored in Mekong River during January 1967; conducted troop and supply beach landings at Chu Lai and Da Nang during March-October 1965; sent crewmembers ashore for beach picnic at Vung Tau during April 1968
U.S.S. Eugene A Greene (DD–711) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Evans (DE–1023) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Everett F. Larson (DD–830) sent crew members ashore for beach party while anchored in Van Phong Bay on September 15, 1969
U.S.S. Eversole (DD–789) sent motorized whaleboat ashore to Chu Lai from offshore anchorage to transfer two crewmembers on July 25, 1972
U.S.S. Excel (MSO–439) docked to pier at Cam Ranh Bay July 31, 1967
U.S.S. Falgout (DE–324) [Destroyer Escort] entered Qui Nhon Bay as part of operation with PCFs interdicting junk traffic during May 1966
U.S.S. Fanning (DD–1076) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Fechteler (DD–870) operated in Mekong River Delta on September 27, 1965 and Qui Nhon Bay November 25–26, 1968; sent crew ashore for beach party on September 25, 1965, and while conducting night patrols of Da Nang Harbor, crewmembers went ashore for daytime liberty leave during October 1965
U.S.S. Finch (DER–328) [Destroyer Escort Radar] entered Qui Nhon Bay on January 20, 1966 and December 1967 (when crewmembers painted a Vietnamese orphanage)
U.S.S. Firedrake (AE–14) operated on Ganh Rai Bay during April 1966
U.S.S. Firm (MSO–444) docked to pier at Da Nang November 26–30, 1969 and docked to piers at Cam Ranh Bay February-April, 1971
U.S.S. Fiske (DD–842) operated on Mekong River, June 16–21, 1966
U.S.S. Flasher (SSN–613) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Fletcher (DDE–445) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Flint (AE–32) VA has no activities listed
Floating Base Platform (YRBM–16) [Repair, Berthing, and Messing Barge] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
Floating Base Platform (YRBM–17) [Repair, Berthing, and Messing Barge] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
Floating Base Platform (YRBM–18) [Repair, Berthing, and Messing Barge] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
Floating Base Platform (YRBM–20) [Repair, Berthing, and Messing Barge] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
Floating Base Platform (YRBM–21) [Repair, Berthing, and Messing Barge] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Florikan (ASR–9) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Floyd B. Parks (DD–884) operated on Saigon River and Ganh Rai Bay during February and March 1968
U.S.S. Floyd County (LST–762) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Force (MSO–445) while moored with other ships in Vung Tau Harbor, sent crew ashore for liberty leave March 3–7, 1967; and docked to pier at Cam Ranh Bay March 13–15, 1972 and Vung Tau April 25-May 3, 1972
U.S.S. Forester (DER–334) crew had liberty leave at Nha Trang on June 28 and July 10 1965, with whale boat ashore for medical assistance on August 20, 1965
U.S.S. Forrest Royal (DD–872) operated on Saigon River during June 1967
U.S.S. Forrestal (CVA–59) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Fort Marion (LSD–22) conducted numerous supply landings at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, and Mekong Delta area, with crew members going ashore, from October 1965-June 1966, September-December 1967, and December 1968-May 1969; navigated Saigon River to dock in Saigon during February 1966
U.S.S. Fortify (MSO–446) docked to pier at Cam Ranh Bay on September 30 and November 29, 1971; traveled up the Saigon River to Saigon September 19–22, 1964
U.S.S. Fox (DLG–33) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Francis Hammond (DE–1067) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Frank E Evans (DD–754) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Frank Knox (DD/DDR–742) operated on Long Tau River during June 16–17, 1969
U.S.S. Franklin D Roosevelt (CVA–42) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Fred T. Berry (DD–858) operated in Mekong River Delta area on March 15, 1966
U.S.S. Frederick (LST–1184) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Fresno (LST–1182) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Furse (DD–882) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Gallant (MSO–489) docked to pier at Da Nang during November 5–6, 1969
U.S.S. Gallup (PG–85) Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Galveston (CLG–3) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Gannet (MSC–290) operated on rivers of Mekong Delta at Vinh Long and Binh Thuy during May 1967
U.S.S. Garrett County (LST–786) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Geiger (T-AP–197) entered Qui Nhon Bay November 23–26, 1965
U.S.S. General R M Blatchford (AP–153) [Transport Ship] landed elements of 1st Infantry Division at Vung Tau by small boats during October 1965
U.S.N.S. General Hugh J. Gaffey (T-AP–121) entered Qui Nhon Bay November 6–8, 1966
U.S.N.S. General W. H. Gordon (T-AP–117) [Military Sea Transportation Service (MSTS) Transport Ship] transported troops and cargo to Vung Tau and elsewhere in Vietnam, with crew members going ashore, during 1965 and from December 1967 to March 1968
U.S.S. Genesee (AOG–8) [Gasoline Tanker] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. George Clymer (APA–27) [Amphibious Attack Transport] conducted troop and supply “mike boat” beach landings during July 1965, and March-July 1966, at Da Nang and Chu Lai; navigated Saigon River to Saigon Port during January 1963
U.S.S. George K. Mackenzie (DD–836) operated on Ganh Rai Bay during February 1969
U.S.S. Glennon (DD–840) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Goldsborough (DDG–20) operated on Cua Dai River December 13, 1968; sent small boats ashore from Da Nang Harbor on December 20 and 24, 1972
U.S.S. Graffias (AF–29) [Auxiliary Stores Ship] docked to pier at Da Nang for resupply on February 20 and November 25, 1967, and conducted other in-port docking replenishments at An Thoi and Vung Tau during 1967
U.S.S. Grapple (ARS–7) [Salvage Ship] conducted numerous repair and salvaging operations while moored to beach or piers at Da Nang, Chu Lai, Cam Ranh Bay, and Tan My during January 1967; November 1970 through April 1971; and August 1972 through January 1973
U.S.S. Grasp (ARS–24) conducted salvaging operations on Song Cua Dia River and other inland waters from February through April 1969
U.S.S. Gray (DE–1054) sent motorized whaleboat ashore from Da Nang Harbor for mail pickup on October 7, 1972
U.S.S. Grayback (SS–574) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Great Sitkin (AE–17) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Greenfish (SS–351) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Greenlet (ASR–10) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Gregory (DD–802) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Gridley (DLG–21) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Guadalupe (AO–32) [Oiler] operated on Ganh Rai Bay during April 1966
U.S.S. Guardfish (SSN–612) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Gudgeon (SS–567) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Guide (MSO–447) [Minesweeper-Ocean] sent motorized whaleboats ashore for briefings while in Da Nang Harbor during May 1970; docked to pier at Cam Ranh Bay on September 30, 1971
U.S.S. Gunston Hall (LSD–5) conducted numerous troop, supply, and equipment landings at Da Nang, Chu Lai, etc. during 1966 and from March 1968 to February 1970; delivered equipment to Saigon via Saigon River during March 1968
U.S.S. Gurke (DD–783) operated on Ganh Rai Bay, Saigon River, and Mekong River during October 1966 and May 1969
U.S.S. Gurnard (SS–254) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Haddock (SSN–621) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Haleakala (AE–25) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Halsey (DLG–23) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Hamner (DD–718) docked to pier with destroyer tender at Da Nang during April 11–12, 1972; operated on Song Lon Tao and Long Song Tao Rivers, August 15-September 1, 1966; and on Song Gga in Rung Sat Special Zone November 14–15, 1967
U.S.S. Hampshire County (LST–819) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Hancock (CVA–19) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Hanson (DD–832) operated on Saigon River during July 2–3, 1965 and September 13, 1966; sent motorized whaleboats ashore from Da Nang Harbor on September 17, 1972, for medical evacuation and mail pickup
U.S.N. Harbor Tug 84 (YTB–84) [Repair, Berthing, and Messing Barge] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.N. Harbor Tug 85 (YTB–85) [Repair, Berthing, and Messing Barge] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Harder (SS–568) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Harnett County (LST–821) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Harold E Holt (DE–1074) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Harold J. Ellison (DD–864) operated on Saigon River between late 1965 and mid 1966
U.S.S. Harry E Hubbard (DD–748) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Harwood (DD–861) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Hassayampa (AO–145) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Haverfield (DER–393) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Hawkins (DD–873) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Hector (AR–7) anchored in Vung Tau Harbor repairing other vessels from July 20 to August 16, 1970, with deck logs stating that crewmembers went ashore on liberty leave
U.S.S. Henderson (DD–785) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Henrico (APA–45) conducted numerous troop landings at Da Nang, Chu Lai, and Hue from March through May 1965 and from August 1966 through March 1967
U.S.S. Henry B. Wilson (DDG–7) [Guided Missile Destroyer] docked at Da Nang pier on April 2, 1967 and September 29, 1971; operated on Mekong River Delta during May 1968
U.S.S. Henry County (LST–824) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Henry W. Tucker (DD–875) docked to pier in Da Nang Harbor on September 12, 1971; operated on Qui Nhon Bay during 1965 and August 1968 and Mekong River Delta during March 1966 and May 1969; sent whaleboat ashore at Da Nang for briefing on January 23, 1969 and medical team ashore while off Quang Ngai on 27 February, 1969
U.S.S. Hepburn (DE–1055) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Herbert J Thomas (DD–833) operated in Mekong River Delta during December 1966
U.S.S. Hermitage (LSD–34) [Landing Ship Dock] docked to Da Nang pier June 2–3, 1967; conducted troop landings in Da Nang area from June through October 1967
U.S.S. Hickman County (LST–825) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Higbee (DD–806) provided naval gunfire support from Ganh Rai Bay and Mekong River Delta during January-February and April 1966; March 1969; and September 1970; sent small boats ashore while anchored in Da Nang Harbor on September 9, 1965 and December 7, 1967
U.S.S. Hissem (DER–400) moored to port side of Tuluita (ARG–4) for repairs in Vung Tau area from January 11–23, 1967, with evidence that crewmembers went ashore for liberty leave and sent motorized whaleboat ashore for briefing at An Thoi on February 3, 1967
U.S.S. Hitchiti (ATF–103) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Hoel (DDG–13) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Holder (DD–819) operated on Vung Ganh Rai and Saigon River during August 5, 1966
U.S.S. Hollister (DD–788) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Holmes County (LST–836) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Hooper (DE–1026) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Hopewell (DD–681) operated on Mekong River Delta during June 15–16, 1966
U.S.S. Horne (DLG–30) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Hornet (CVS–12) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Hugh Purvis (DD–709) operated on Qui Nhon Bay during January 1969
U.S.S. Hull (DD–945) sent small boats ashore while anchored off Nha Trang on February 17, 1968
U.S.S. Hunterdon County (LST–838) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Illusive (MSO–448) conducted training with Vietnamese Navy on Saigon River from January through March 1962
U.S.S. Impervious (MSO–449) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Implicit (MSO–455) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Inchon (LPH–12) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Independence (CVA–62) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Indra (ARL–37) [Repair Ship] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Inflict (MSO–456) traveled up the Saigon River to Saigon September 19–22, 1964
U.S.S. Ingersoll (DD–652) operated on Saigon River October 24–25, 1965
U.S.S. Ingraham (DD–694) operated 10 miles up Saigon River on November 12, 1965
U.S.S. Intrepid (CVS–11) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Iredell County (LST–839) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Isle Royale (AD–29) [Destroyer Tender-Repair Ship] salvaged the beached Mahnomen County (LST–912) at Chu Lai during January 1967 with crewmembers going ashore for stripping operations
U.S.S. Iwo Jima (LPH–2) [Landing Platform, Helicopter] docked to pier at Da Nang on October 6, 1969 and May 19–20, 1971; entered Qui Nhon Bay in July 1965; operated as troop transport with helicopters and smaller vessels transporting troops on and off shore for amphibious assaults from May 1965 to August 1972
U.S.S. James C. Owens (DD–776) docked at Cam Ranh Bay on April 30, 1968
U.S.S. James E. Kyes (DD–787) provided naval gunfire support on Song Ca River during October 1967 and Ganh Rai Bay during June 1969
U.S.S. Jamestown (AGTR–3) conducted numerous month-long deployments along the Vietnam coast collecting data, with photographic evidence that crewmembers went ashore, between January 1966 and September 1969
U.S.S. Jason (AR–8) anchored in Vung Tau Harbor repairing other vessels with deck logs showing evidence of crewmembers going ashore June through August 1968, December 1969 through January 1970, and March through April 1971
U.S.S. Jenkins (DD/DDE–447) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Jennings County (LST–846) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Jerome County (LST–848) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. John A Bole (DD–755) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. John King (DDG–3) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. John Paul Jones (DDG–32) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. John R Perry (DE–1034) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. John R. Craig (DD–885) anchored off Nha Trang during summer 1968 with crewmembers going ashore for beach party
U.S.S. John S McCain (DDG–36) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. John W Weeks (DD–701) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. John W. Thomason (DD–760) operated on Nga Be River during 1969U.S.S. Johnston (DD–821) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Joseph Hewes (DE–1078) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Joseph Stra(DDG–16) operated on Mekong River Delta March 4, 1966 and Ganh Rai Bay during November 7 and December 7, 1968
U.S.S. Josephus Daniels (DLG–27) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Jouett (DLG–29) sent whaleboat ashore from Da Nang Harbor for mission briefings on February 15, April 15, and June 1, 1968
U.S.S. Juneau (LPD–10) picked up troops and equipment with smaller vessels and transported them out of Vietnam from August 1970 to March 1971 and June to November 1972
U.S.S. Jupiter (AVS–8) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Kansas City (AOR–3) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Kawishiwi (AO–146) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Kearsarge (CVS–33) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Kemper County (LST–854) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Kennebec (AO–36) provided fuel to vessels while in Ganh Rai Bay during August 1969
U.S.S. Keppler (DD–765) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Kilauea (AE–26) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. King (DLG–10) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Kirk (FF–1087) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Kishwaukee (AOG–9) [Gasoline Tanker] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Kitty Hawk (CVA–63) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Klondike (AR–22) anchored in Vung Tau Harbor repairing other vessels during April 1969 with deck logs showing that crewmembers went ashore
U.S.S. Knox (DE/FF–1052) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Koiner (DER–331) [Destroyer Escort, Radar] crew had liberty leave at Vung Tau and survey parties were sent ashore at various locations while on Operation Market Time radar patrol during 1967
U.S.S. Kretchmer (DER–329) entered Qui Nhon Bay during September and November 1965, June and August 1966, and April 1967
U.S.S. Krishna (ARL–38) [Repair Ship] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Kula Gulf (CVE–108) [Small Aircraft Carrier] used as helicopter and troop transport] docked at Cam Ranh Bay November 13–16, 1965
U.S.S. Lang (DE–1060) docked to pier #4 in Da Nang Harbor for 38 minutes on January 5, 1972, and sent whaleboat to and from shore with “briefing personnel” on January 8, 1973
U.S.S. Lawrence (DDG–4) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Laws (DD–558) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Leader (MSO–490) docked to pier at Cam Ranh Bay on November 30, 1968
U.S.S. Leary (DD/DDR–879) operated on the Mekong River Delta on October 9, 1967
U.S.S. Lenawee (APA–195) conducted troop and supply landings at Da Nang and Chu Lai from April 1965 to December 1966
U.S.S. Leonard F. Mason (DD–852) docked to pier at Da Nang on February 12, 1973; operated on Ganh Rai Bay and channels during August 1969
U.S.S. Lexington (CVA–16) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Lipan (ATF–85) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Litchfield County (LST–901) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Lloyd Thomas (DD–764) operated on Ganh Rai Bay and Saigon River area during December 28, 1970
U.S.S. Lockwood (DE–1064) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Lofberg (DD–759) operated on Song Nha Be River during February 18–21 and April 14–15, 1969 and on Song Cua Dai River during April 10–12, 1969
U.S.S. London County (LST–1066) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Long Beach (CGN–9) [Guided Missile Cruiser, Nuclear] while anchored in Da Nang Harbor, deck logs show that utility boats went ashore with passengers on May 5, 1968 and the Captains Gig went ashore on September 4, 1969
U.S.S. Lowe (DE–325) anchored in Saigon Harbor during April 1966
U.S.S. Lowry (DD–770) operated on Mekong River Delta during October 1968; sent motorized whaleboat ashore at Phan Thiet on June 5, 1968
U.S.S. Loyalty (MSO–457) docked to pier at Cam Ranh Bay on April 9 and 25, 1971; traveled up the Saigon River to Saigon September 19–22, 1964
U.S.S. Lucid (MSO–458) docked to pier at Da Nang for off-loading and on-loading equipment during May 1967
U.S.S. Luzerne County (LST–902) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Lyman K. Swenson (DD–729) traveled up Saigon River for a four-day visit to Saigon during May 1964; operated on Cua Ham Loung River and Mekong River Delta during April 1966
U.S.S. Lynde Mccormick (DDG–8) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Maddox (DD–731) sent motorized whaleboats ashore while anchored in Vung Tau Harbor on March 3, 1967
U.S.S. Madera County (LST–905) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Magoffin (APA–199) conducted troop and supply landings at Da Nang and other Vietnam locations from October 1965 through February 1966 and May through November, 1967; entered Qui Nhon Bay to offload troops during October 23–24, 1965
U.S.S. Mahan (DLG–11) [Guided Missile Frigate] sent a “group of personnel” ashore at Da Nang for a short tour of Monkey Mountain on October 6, 1968; visited Saigon via Saigon River October 24–28, 1962
U.S.S. Mahnomen County (LST–912) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Mahopac (ATA–196) moored in Saigon during October 6–9, 1965, and operated on Mekong River from October 30-November 3, 1966
U.S.S. Manatee (AO–58) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Manitowoc (LST–1180) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Manley (DD–940) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Mansfield (DD–728) operated on Saigon River August 8–19, 1966 and December 21–24, 1969
U.S.S. Marathon (PG–89) Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Marias (AO–57) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Mark (AKL–12) [Light Cargo Ship] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Markab (AR–23) [Repair Ship] conducted repair operations on Ganh Rai Bay during November 1967
U.S.S. Mars (AFS–1) [Combat Stores Ship] conducted numerous on shore supply replenishments at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, Vung Tau, and An Thoi from May 1965 to November 1972 with evidence of crewmembers going ashore; operated on Mekong River July 8, 1966
U.S.S. Marsh (DE–699) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Marvin Shields (DE–1066) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Massey (DD–778) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Mataco (ATF–86) [Fleet Ocean Tug] docked to piers at Da Nang during May and August 1968; provided tow on Saigon River and delivered vessels to inland river base at Nha Be during June-August 1968
U.S.S. Mathews (AKA–96) on-loaded supplies at Da Nang and delivered them up the Cua Viet River to Dong Ha with “mike boats” from August through December 1967
U.S.S. Mattaponi (AO–41) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Mauna Kea (AE–22) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Mauna Loa (AE–8) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Maury (AGS–16) conducted surveys of Mekong River Delta and other coastal areas and rivers from November 1965 through 1969
U.S.S. Mazama (AE–9) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Mc Dermut (DD–677) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. McCaffery (DD–860) sent small boat ashore while in Da Nang Harbor December 12–14, 1972
U.S.S. McGinty (DE–365) [Destroyer Escort] sent crew members ashore at Da Nang for a party on WESTPAC cruise during spring 1962
U.S.S. McKean (DD–784) operated on Mekong and Saigon River Deltas during March 14–15, 1967
U.S.S. McMorris (DE–1036) entered Qui Nhon Bay during July 1965
U.S.S. Medregal (SS–480) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Meeker County (LST–980) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Menhaden (SS–377) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Mercer (APB–39) [Self-Propelled Barracks Ship] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Meredith (DD–890) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Merrick (AKA–97) [Attack Cargo Ship] participated in Operation Jackstay amphibious landings while on Saigon River during March 1966; conducted troop and cargo beach landing with small boats at Hue, Chu Lai, and Da Nang from July 1965 through November 1968
U.S.S. Meyerkord (DE/FF–1058) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Midway (CVA–41) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Milwaukee (AOR–2) VA has no activities listed
Mine Sweeping BOAT–14 VA has no activities listed
Mine Sweeping BOAT–15 VA has no activities listed
Mine Sweeping BOAT–16 VA has no activities listed
Mine Sweeping BOAT–17 VA has no activities listed
Mine Sweeping BOAT–18 VA has no activities listed
Mine Sweeping BOAT–22 VA has no activities listed
Mine Sweeping BOAT–31 VA has no activities listed
Mine Sweeping BOAT–32 VA has no activities listed
Mine Sweeping BOAT–49 VA has no activities listedMine Sweeping BOAT–51VA has no activities listed
Mine Sweeping BOAT–52 VA has no activities listed
Mine Sweeping BOAT–54 VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Mispillion (AO–105) VA has no activities listedU.S.S. Mobile (LKA–115) [Amphibious Cargo Ship] transported troops and cargo to/from Da Nang and elsewhere July-September 1970, during April 1971, October-November 1971, and January-July 1972; docked to pier at Da Nang on April 16, 1971
U.S.S. Moctobi (ATF–105) provided tow on Saigon River with deliveries to inland river base at Nha Be during September-October 1967
U.S.S. Molala (ATF–106) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Monmouth County (LST–1032) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Monticello (LSD–35) conducted numerous troop and supply landings at Chu Lai and elsewhere from October 1965-March 1966, February-September 1967, March 1968-February 1969, February-September 1970, March 1971, November 1971, October-December 1972, and January 1973
U.S.S. Montrose (APA–212) [Attack Transport] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Moore (DD–741) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Morton (DD–948) docked to pier at Da Nang on February 7–10, 1973; operated on Vung Ganh Rai and Saigon River during April 1966 and February 1969; sent small boat ashore at Hue on November 13, 1972
U.S.S. Mount Baker (AE–4) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Mount Hood (AE–29) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Mount Katmai (AE–16) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Mount McKinley (AGC–7) [Amphibious Force Flagship] Command ship for 7th Fleet Amphibious Force operated out of Da Nang during 1969 with evidence that crew members went ashore; conducted troop and supply beach landings at Da Nang and elsewhere during March-May 1965, June-July 1966, and July-November 1967
U.S.S. Mount Vernon (LSD–39) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Mullany (DD–528) entered Qui Nhon Bay during June 1965
U.S.S. Mullinnix (DD–944) operated on Vung Ganh Rai and Saigon River during August 5–6, 1966
U.S.S. Munsee (ATF–107) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Myles C. Fox (DD–829) entered Qui Nhon Bay during February 1967
U.S.S. Navarro (APA–215) conducted troop on and off loading operations from May 1965 to February 1968 at Da Nang, Chu Lai, and Quang Ngai Province; transported Thai “Queen’s Cobras” troops from Thailand to Saigon via Saigon River during September 1967
U.S.S. Navasota (AO–106) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Neches (AO–47) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. New (DD–818) sent whaleboat ashore from Da Nang Harbor for mission briefing on August 8, 1967
U.S.S. New Jersey (BB–62) sent 30 crew members ashore for Thanksgiving dinner while offshore near Hue on November 28, 1968
U.S.S. New London County (LST–1066) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. New Orleans (LPH–11) docked to pier at Da Nang on March 12, 1970
U.S.S. Newell (DER–322) [Destroyer Escort Radar] docked at port of Nha Trang during December 22–24, 1965
U.S.S. Newman K. Perry (DD–883) operated on Mekong River Delta and Saigon River November 23–28, 1966
U.S.S. Newport News (CA–148) [Heavy Cruiser] operated on Song Huong Estuary during February 1968 and on Mekong River Delta in vicinity of Vinh Binh Province during December 1968
U.S.S. Niagara Falls (AFS–3) conducted on shore supply replenishments with helicopters and small boats at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, Vung Tau, and An Thoi from April 1968 to March 1973; unloaded supplies on Saigon River and Cam Ranh Bay, April 22–25, 1968
U.S.S. Nicholas (DD–449) [Destroyer] operated on Ganh Rai Bay during April 1965, Mekong River Delta during January 1967, and Ganh Rai Bay and Mekong River Delta during August 1968
U.S.S. Nitro (AE–23) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Noa (DD–841) operated on Qui Nhon Bay during April 1969
U.S.S. Noble (APA–218) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Norris (DD–859) conducted operations on inland Song Nga River during November-December 1966
U.S.S. Noxubee (AOG–56) Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Nueces (APB–40) [Self-Propelled Barracks Ship] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Nye County (LST–1067) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. O’callahan (DE–1051) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. O’hare (DD–889) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. O’Bannon (DD–450) operated on Saigon River during May 22–24, 1966
U.S.S. O’Brien (DD–725) sent motorized whaleboat ashore while anchored in Da Nang Harbor on December 16, 1969
U.S.S. Oak Hill (LSD–7) conducted numerous troop and supply landings with evidence of crew members going ashore at Da Nang, Chu Lai, Vung Tau, and Hue, from October 1965-April 1966, March-August 1967, and September 1968-February 1969; conducted salvage operations for damaged swift boat on Ganh Hao River during July 1967; served as station and repair ship in Da Nang Harbor with evidence of crewmembers going ashore from January through March 1966
U.S.S. Ogden (LPD–5) [Amphibious Transport Dock] made numerous dockings at Da Nang to transport troops and supplies, with crew members going ashore, from February 1966 to March 1973
U.S.S. Okanogan (APA–220) conducted troop and supply landings at various locations during January-July 1962, September 1963-April 1964, July-October 1965, July 1966, November 1966- March 1967, and June-November 1968; navigated Saigon River to Saigon for delivery of Thai troops during August 1968
U.S.S. Okinawa (LPH–3) docked to pier at Cam Ranh Bay to offload aircraft during May 1971; operated as troop transport with helicopters and smaller vessels transporting troops on and off shore for amphibious assaults, with evidence that crew members went ashore to assist civilians, from April-November 1967, December 1968-May 1969, June- November 1970, and April-November 1972
U.S.S. Oklahoma City (CG/CLG–5) [Light Guided Missile Cruiser] docked in Saigon during 21–24 July 1964
U.S.S. Opportune (ARS–41) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Oriskany (CVA–34) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Orleck (DD–886) operated on Mekong River Delta during July 1969
U.S.S. Ouellet (DE–1077) sent motorized whaleboat ashore from Da Nang Harbor on July 29, 1972
U.S.S. Outagamie County (LST–1073) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Oxford (AGTR–1) [Technical Research Ship] conducted numerous month-long deployments along the Vietnam coast collecting data, with evidence that crewmembers went ashore, between 1965 and 1969
U.S.S. Ozbourn (DD–846) conducted fire support missions on Saigon River October-November 1965 and August-October 1966; docked briefly to piers in Da Nang Harbor on February 21, April 1, and April 11, 1971
U.S.S. Page County (LST–1076) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Paricutin (AE–18) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Park County (LST–1077) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Parsons (DD/DDG–949) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Passumpsic (AO–107) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Patapsco (AOG–1) [Gasoline Tanker] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Paul (DE–1080) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Paul Revere (APA–248) assisted with salvage of the Card (ACV–11) in Saigon Harbor on Saigon River during May 1964 and transported Korean troops through Qui Nhon Bay during October-November 1965; conducted small boat troop landings at Quang Ngai Province, Da Nang, and elsewhere from August 1965-April 1966, June- November 1967, March-August 1969, September 1970-March 1971, and August 1972-February 1973
U.S.S. Peacock (MSC–198) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Peoria (LST–1183) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Perch (SS–313) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Perkins (DD–877) operated on Ganh Rai Bay during October 1967 and on Saigon River during June 1969U.S.S. Permit (SSN–594) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Perry (DD–844) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Persistence (MSO–491) docked to piers at Da Nang and Cam Ranh Bay during October 1970
U.S.S. Philip (DD–498) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Phoebe (MSC–199) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Pickaway (APA–222) conducted troop and supply landings at various locations during January 1963, July 1965, March-June 1966, and June-October 1967; operated on Rung Sat Special Zone from March 31 to April 5, 1966
U.S.S. Pickerel (SS–524) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Picking (DD–685) operated on Saigon River during November 16, 1965
U.S.S. Pictor (AF–54) [Auxiliary Stores Ship] entered Cua Viet River while delivering supplies to Dong Ha during September 1967; docked to pier at Da Nang during 1969
U.S.S. Piedmont (AD–17) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Pine Island (AV–12) anchored at Da Nang during August 1964, and Cam Ranh Bay for month long periods during 1965 and 1966, to repair and tend to Navy sea planes, with evidence that crewmembers went ashore on liberty leave
U.S.S. Pitkin County (LST–1082) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Pivot (MSO–463) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Platte (AO–24) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Pledge (MSO–492) docked to pier at Cam Ranh Bay intermittently during July 1967 and May-June 1971; entered Qui Nhon Bay on May 8, 15, and 21, 1971
U.S.S. Pluck (MSO–464) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Plunger (SSN–595) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Pogy (SSN–647) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Point Defiance (LSD–31) conducted numerous troop and supply landings with small boats at Da Nang, Van Tuong, and Kien Hoa from May 1965 through October 1972; entered Qui Nhon Bay to deliver troops during July 1965; operated on Saigon River during March 1967; and conducted several operations on Saigon River to Saigon Port during October and November 1968
U.S.S. Polk County (LST–1084) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Pollux (AKS–4) [General Stores Ship] delivered supplies while in Ganh Rai Bay on April 4. 1966, June 14, August 16, and October 31, 1967, and January 5, March 14, April 5, May 29, June 18, August 5, and October 10, 1968
U.S.S. Pomfret (SS–301) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Pomodon (SS–486) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Ponchatoula (AO–148) [Fleet Oiler] sent crew members ashore to visit the An Thoi Naval Base on April 27, 1969; operated on Mekong River Delta during July 1971
U.S.S. Porterfield (DD–682 [Destroyer] while operating in close coastal waters on March 19, 1966, two officers and a seaman went ashore in a junk and, on April 8, 1966, a small boat went ashore from Da Nang Harbor with Vietnamese officers
U.S.S. Power (DD–839) sent Commanding Officer and others ashore in whaleboat for briefing while anchored in Da Nang Harbor on November 13, 1968
U.S.S. Prairie (AD–15) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Preble (DLG–15) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Preston (DD–795) operated on Mekong River Delta, Ganh Rai Bay, and Saigon River during September 28–29 and December 27–29, 1965, on Mekong River Delta June 3, 1967, and Ganh Rai Bay on November 24, 1968
U.S.S. Prichett (DD–561) operated on Mekong River Delta and Saigon River during August 1969
U.S.S. Prime (MSO–466) docked to pier at Da Nang on February 16, 1967
U.S.S. Princeton (LPH–5) operated as troop transport with helicopters and smaller vessels transporting troops on and off shore during April 1962 and from October 1964 to December 1968; operated on Ganh Rai Bay during April 1966
U.S.S. Procyon (AF–61) docked to Pier #1 at Da Nang on April 23, 1970 and Pier #3 at Cam Ranh Bay on May 26, 1970
U.S.S. Providence (CLG–6) operated on Saigon River 3 days during January 1964 and on Cua Viet River during August 1972
U.S.S. Puffer (SSN–652) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Pulaski County (LST–1088) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Pyro (AE–24) [Auxiliary Explosive, Ammunition Ship] sent small boat ashore from Da Nang Harbor with injured crew member for medical treatment on September 29, 1972
U.S.S. Quapaw (ATF–110) provided tow on Saigon River with deliveries to inland river base at Nha Be during June 1966
U.S.S. Queenfish (SS–393) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Racine (LST–1191) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Radford (DD–446) [Destroyer] operated on Ganh Rai Bay and Saigon River during December 1967
U.S.S. Rainier (AE–5) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Ramsey (DEG–2) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Ranger (CVA–61) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Ranier (AE–5) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Rasher (AGSS/SS–269) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Rathburne (DE–1057) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Raton (AGSS–270) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Razorback (SS–394) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Ready (PG–87) Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Reaper (MSO–467) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Reasoner (FF–1063) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Reclaimer (ARS–42) operated in Saigon Harbor to salvage Card (ACV–11) from sinking in Saigon River during May 1964 and in Rung Sat Special Zone of Mekong River Delta salvaging ships during early 1966
U.S.S. Redfish (SS–395) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Reeves (DLG–24) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Regulus (AF–57) conducted numerous in-port docking replenishments at Cam Ranh Bay, Vung Tau, An Thoi, and Da Nang during March-November 1966, May-July 1967, February-December 1968, October-December 1969, June-September 1970, and April-July 1971
U.S.S. Rehoboth (AGS–50) conducted hydrographic survey of Mekong River Delta area during December 1965
U.S.S. Remora (SS–487) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Renshaw (DD–499) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Renville (APA–227) conducted troop landings at Da Nang during August-September 1964
U.S.S. Repose (AH–16) [Hospital Ship] operated continuously on close coastal waters from 1966–1970, with evidence that crewmembers went ashore on liberty leave
U.S.S. Rich (DD–820) docked to pier at Da Nang on December 13, 1972
U.S.S. Richard B Anderson (DD–786) docked to pier at Da Nang on August 29, 1972; operated on Mekong River Delta during May-June, 1966
U.S.S. Richard E. Kraus (DD–849) operated on inland river north of Da Nang during June 2–5, 1966, protecting Marines holding a bridge; sent motorized whaleboats ashore while in Da Nang Harbor on December 29, 1972
U.S.S. Richard S Edwards (DD–950) operated on Mekong River Delta in Province of Kien Hoa during February 28 and March 1, 1969
U.S.S. Richmond K. Turner (DLG–20) sent whaleboat ashore from Da Nang Harbor for mission briefing on December 4, 1966
U.S.S. Roark (DE–1053) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Robert H Mc Card (DD–822) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Robert K Huntington (DD–781) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Robert L Wilson (DD–847) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Robison (DDG–12) provided naval gunfire support for Operation Jackstay in Rung Sat Special Zone and Saigon River during April 1966
U.S.S. Rock (AGSS–274) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Rogers (DD–876) sent whaleboats ashore while anchored in Da Nang Harbor July 29-August 3, 1971
U.S.S. Ronquil (SS–396) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Rowan (DD–782) operated on Song Tra Khuc River and Qui Nhon Bay from April through July 1965, December 1967, and June 1969
U.S.S. Rupertus (DD–851) operated on Saigon River during April 1966 and May 1969
U.S.S. Sabalo (SS–302) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Sacramento (AOE–1) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Safeguard (ARS–25) [Salvage Ship] anchored in Da Nang Harbor repairing other vessels with evidence that workboats went ashore during July 1971; docked at Pier–2 in Cam Ranh Bay on August 14, 1971; operated on Ganh Rai Bay and Mekong River Delta during December 8, 1965
U.S.S. Sailfish (SS–572) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Saint Paul (CA–73) [Cruiser] while anchored in Da Nang Harbor, small boats sent ashore on May 9, 1969, and May 25, July 17, and September 17, 1970
U.S.S. Salisbury Sound (AV–13) anchored at Da Nang during February 1965, Con Son Island during May 1965, and Cam Ranh Bay for month long periods during 1966, to repair and tend to Navy sea planes, with evidence that crewmembers went ashore
U.S.S. Salmon (SS–573) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Sample (DE–1048) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Samuel B. Roberts (DD–823) operated on Mekong River Delta and Saigon River during December 1965
U.S.S. Samuel Gompers (AD–37) [Destroyer Tender] multiple dockings to piers at Da Nang during April 1972
U.S.S. Samuel N. Moore (DD–747) operated on Saigon River, Rung Sat Special Zone, and Mekong River Delta during November 1965 and September-December 1968
U.S.S. San Bernardino (LST–1189) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. San Jacinto (CVL–30) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. San Joaquin Co (LST–1122) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. San Jose (AFS–7) conducted on shore supply replenishments with helicopters and small boats at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, and Vung Tau from October 1971 to February 1972 and September 1972 to March 1973
U.S.S. Sanctuary (AH–17) operated continuously on close coastal waters from 1967–1971, with evidence that crewmembers went ashore on liberty leave
U.S.S. Santa Barbara (AE–28) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Saratoga (CVA–60) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Sargo (SSN–583) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Sarsfield (DD–837) VA has no activities listedU.S.S. Satyr (ARL–23) [Repair Ship] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Savage (DER–386) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Savannah (AOR–4) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Scamp (SSN–588) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Schenectady (LST–1185) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Schofield (DEG–3) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Sculpin (SSN–590) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Seadragon (SSN–584) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Seafox (SS–402) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Sedgwick County (LST–1123) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Segundo (SS–398) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Seminole (AKA/LKA–104) [Attack/Amphibious Cargo Ship] conducted troop landings with small boats at Da Nang, Hoi An, and Quang Tri from March through August 1967, September 1968 through February 1969, and during January 1970; docked in Saigon during July 1962; operated on Saigon River channel on March 4, 1967; and entered Cua Viet River on May 26, 1967
U.S.S. Serrano (AGS–24) conducted mapping surveys of Mekong River Delta and other coastal and river areas from 1966 through 1969
U.S.S. Shakori (ATF–162) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Shangri-La (CVA–38) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Shark (SSN–591) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Shasta (AE–6) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Sheldrake (AGS–19) conducted sounding surveys of Vietnam coastal and inland waterways October 1967 through March 1968
U.S.S. Shelton (DD–790) operated on Saigon River during January 16, 1966
U.S.S. Sioux (ATF–75) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Skagit (AKA/LKA–105) conducted troop and cargo beach “mike boat” landings at Da Nang, Chu Lai, and Quang Ngai from November 1965 to November 1967
U.S.S. Snohomish County (LST–1126) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Snook (SSN–592) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Somers (DD–947/DDG–34) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Southerland (DD–743) operated on Song Nga and Saigon River during July 1966
U.S.S. Sphinx (ARL–24) [Repair Ship] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Spinax (AGSS/SS–489) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Sproston (DD–577) operated on Mekong River Delta and Ganh Rai Bay during January 1966
U.S.S. St Clair County (LST–1096) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. St Francis River (LSMR/LFR–525) [Landing Ship, Medium, Rocket] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. St Paul (CA–73) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. St. Louis (AKA/LKA–116) conducted troop and cargo landings with small boats at Da Nang, Vung Tau, and Quang Nam Province during August-October 1970; January-March 1971; and April-November 1972; operated on Ganh Rai Bay during March 9, 1971
U.S.S. Steinaker (DD–863) anchored off Phan Thiet July 25- August 3, 1968 with crewmembers going ashore to visit Junk Base
U.S.S. Sterett (DLG–31) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Sterlet (SS–392) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Stickell (DD–888) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Stoddard (DD–566) operated on Saigon River during September 1965
U.S.S. Stone County (LST–1141) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Stormes (DD–780) sent motorized whaleboat ashore to assist 2nd ARVN and 2nd US Advisory Group on September 17, 1966
U.S.S. Stribling (DD–867) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Strong (DD–758) operated in Mekong River Delta and Rung Sat Special Zone during April 1968
U.S.S. Summit County (LST–1146) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Sumner County (LST–1148) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Sumter (LST–1181) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Sunnadin (ATA–197) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Surfbird (ADG–383) [Degaussing Ship] conducted anti-mine degaussing operation for ships on Qui Nhon Bay during November 1967 and August 1969; sent crew members ashore during anti-mine degaussing operations at Cam Ranh Bay, Vung Tau, Da Nang, and Con Son Island during September-November 1967; March-July and December 1968; March and December 1969; and January-February 1970
U.S.S. Suribachi (AE–21) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Sutter County (LST–1150) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Swordfish (SSN–579) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Tacoma (PG–92) Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Talladega (APA–208) operated on Saigon River during October 1967
U.S.S. Taluga (AO–62) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Tang (SS–563) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Tanner (AGS–15) [Mapping Survey Ship] conducted surveys of Mekong River Delta and other coastal areas and rivers from October 1966 through 1968
U.S.S. Tappahannock (AO–43) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Taussig (DD–746) operated on Soirap River in Mekong River Delta during June 15–26, 1966
U.S.S. Tautog (SSN–639) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Tawakoni (ATF–114) operated in Saigon Harbor to salvage Card (ACV–11) from sinking in Saigon River during May 1964
U.S.S. Tawasa (ATF–92) moored in Saigon from June 30-July 4, 1964
U.S.S. Taylor (DD–468) operated on Ganh Rai Bay during August 1967 and November-December 1968
U.S.S. Tecumseh (SSBN–628) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Terrell County (LST–1157) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Theodore E Chandler (DD–717) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Thetis Bay (LPH–6) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Thomaston (LSD–28) conducted dredge lift on Saigon River during November 1964; Thomaston conducted numerous troop and supply landings with small boats at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, Song Co Chien River area, and Cua Viet River area from 1965 to 1972 [Note: no AO exposure for 1975 operations]
U.S.S. Thuban (AKA–19) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Ticonderoga (CVA–14) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Tillamook (ATA–192) [Auxiliary Ocean Tug] operated on Qui Nhon Bay during April 1965 and on Long Tau branch of Saigon River during January 1966
U.S.S. Tingey (DD–539) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Tioga County (LST–1158) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Tiru (SS–416) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Toledo (CA–133) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Tolovana (AO–64) sent crew ashore for beach party at Phu Quoc during May 1971
U.S.S. Tom Green County (LST–1159) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Tombigbee (AOG–11) [Gasoline Tanker] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Topeka (CLG–8) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Tortuga (LSD–26) [Landing Ship Dock] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Towers (DDG–9) operated on Saigon River and Rung Sat Special Zone during July 1966
U.S.S. Towhee (AGS–28) conducted sounding surveys of Vietnam coastal and inland waterways October 1967 through March 1968
U.S.S. Trathen (DD–530) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Trigger (SS–564) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Tripoli (LPH–10) [Landing Platform Helicopter] sent crew members ashore for beach party at Da Nang on July 29, 1967; operated as troop transport with helicopters and smaller vessels transporting troops on and off shore intermittently from May 1967 to December 1973
U.S.S. Trippe (DE–1075) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Truxtun (DLGN–35) sent small boats ashore from Da Nang Harbor on June 2, 1968 and October 25, 1969
U.S.S. Tulare (AKA/LKA–112) conducted troop and cargo “mike boat” beach landings at Da Nang, Chu Lai, Cam Ranh Bay, and Vung Tau from 1966 to 1972
U.S.S. Tunny (APSS–282) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Turner Joy (DD–951) entered Cua Viet River channel on December 24, 1969
U.S.S. Tuscaloosa (LST–1187) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Tutuila (ARG–4) [Repair Ship] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Uhlmann (DD–687) entered Qui Nhon Bay during June 1965
U.S.S. Union (AKA/LKA–106) anchored in Hue River while conducting operations during April 1965; conducted numerous troop and cargo “mike boat” beach landings at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, and Chu Lai from March 1965 to November 1969
U.S.S. Ute (ATF–76) [Fleet Ocean Tug] conducted numerous salvaging operations on beached vessels from April 1966 through April 1971 with crewmembers going ashore and all attended beach party at Cam Ranh Bay on April 12, 1969
U.S.S. Valley Forge (LPH–8) operated as troop transport with helicopters and smaller vessels transporting troops on and off shore from September 1964 to September 1969
U.S.S. Vammen (DE–644) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Vance (DER–387) entered Qui Nhon Bay on January 20, 1966
U.S.S. Vancouver (LPD–2) [Amphibious Transport Dock] entered Qui Nhon Bay during September 11–12, 1971; while anchored offshore, conducted numerous amphibious troop beach landings with smaller “mike boats” in the areas of Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, Cua Viet River, and Mekong River Delta from February 1965 to September 1971
U.S.S. Vancouver (LPD–9) docked to pier at Da Nang on June 19, 1971
U.S.S. Vega (AF–59) conducted resupply operations on Mekong River Delta September 13, 1966; docked to on-load supplies at An Thoi, Vung Tau, Cam Ranh Bay, and Da Nang during June 1969; and docked to delivered supplies to Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, Con Son, An Thoi, and Hon Choi during November-December 1970
U.S.S. Vernon County (LST–1161) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Vesole (DD–878) operated on Saigon River during December 1965-February 1966
U.S.S. Vesuvius (AE–15) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Vireo (MSO–205) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Virgo (AE–30) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Vogelgesang (DD–862) provided gunfire support while in Thu Bong River during October 18–29, 1966; anchored in Da Nang Harbor and sent 30 crewmembers ashore on August 15, 1966
U.S.S. Volador (SS–490) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. W. A. Mann (T-AP–112) [Military Transport] entered Qui Nhon Bay August 23, 1965U.S.S. Wabash (AOR–5) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Waccamaw (AO–109) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Waddell (DDG–24) operated on Saigon River during March 1966 and Cua Viet River during March 1967
U.S.S. Wahoo (SS–565) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Wainwright (DLG–28) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Waldron (DD–699) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Walke (DD–723) operated on Mekong River Delta during September 2, 1969
U.S.S. Walker (DD–517) operated on Saigon River during December 1968
U.S.S. Wallace L Lind (DD–703) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Waller (DD–466) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Walton (DE–361) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Wandank (ATA–204) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Warbler (MSC–206) [Minesweeper-Coastal] docked to pier at Cam Ranh Bay July 22–25, 1964 and June 18 and July 6, 1970
U.S.S. Warrington (DD–843) operated on Mekong River Delta and Rung Sat Special Zone during March 1967
U.S.S. Washburn (AKA/LKA–108) conducted numerous small boat beach landings at Da Nang, Thon My Thuy, Hue on Perfume River, and Dong Ha on Cua Viet River from 1965 to 1969
U.S.S. Washoe County (LST–1165) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Washtenaw County (LST–1166) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Wedderburn (DD–684) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Weiss (APD/LPR–135) [High Speed Transport/Small Amphibious Transport] conducted inland waterway troop-landing operations with Marine and SEAL units at various locations in the Mekong River Delta, Rung Sat Special Zone, and Saigon River and routinely surveyed river mouths and canal entrances for amphibious landings from November 1965 through February 1969
U.S.S. Welch (PG–93) Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Westchester Co (LST–1167) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Wexford County (LST–1168) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Whetstone (LSD–27) anchored as long term “boat haven” for repairs of smaller vessels on Qui Nhon Bay during June-July 1965; anchored as long term “boat haven” in Da Nang Harbor for repairs of smaller vessels, with evidence of crewmembers going ashore, during April-May 1965; conducted numerous troop and supply landings with smaller mike boats at Da Nang, Hue, Phu Bai, and Dong Ha from March 1965 to September 1969
U.S.S. Whipple (DE–162) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Whippoorwill (MSC–207) [Minesweeper-Ocean] entered Qui Nhon Bay repeatedly during July-August 1968; docked to pier at Cam Ranh Bay during July 22–25, 1964; March 10, 1969; July 21 and 29, August 13, and September 1, 1970
U.S.S. White Plains (AFS–4) conducted on shore supply replenishments with helicopters and small boats at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, Vung Tau, and An Thoi from January 1969 to March 1973
U.S.S. White River (LSMR/LFR–536) [Landing Ship, Medium, Rocket] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Whitehurst (DE–634) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Whitfield County (LST–1169) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Wichita (AOR–1) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Widgeon (MSC–208) docked repeatedly to piers at Cam Ranh Bay during July 1964 and June-July 1969
U.S.S. Wilhoite (DER–397) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Wilkinson (DL–5) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. William C Lawe (DD–763) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. William H Standley (DLG–32) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. William V. Pratt (DLG–13) sent whaleboat ashore from Da Nang Harbor for mission briefing on August 8, 1967
U.S.S. Wiltsie (DD–716) docked in Da Nang during January 1973, with evidence of crew members going ashore; operated on Saigon River during July 1966; while operating in close coastal waters during September 1970, two officers and five sailors were sent ashore by helicopter for one night
U.S.S. Windham County (LST–1170) [Landing Ship, Tank] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.N. Winnemucca (YTB–785) [Repair, Berthing, and Messing Barge] Ship operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
U.S.S. Winston (AKA–94) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Winston (AKA–94) [Attack Cargo Ship] conducted troop and supply beach landings during July 1965; April-August 1966; September-October 1967; and November 1968-May 1969
U.S.S. Winston (LKA–94) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Wiseman (DE–667) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Woodpecker (MSC–209) entered Qui Nhon Bay during May 1965
U.S.S. Worden (DLG/CG–18) sent whaleboat ashore for briefing while in Da Nang Harbor on November 27, 1968
U.S.S. Wrangell (AE–12) [Auxiliary Explosive, Ammunition Ship] entered Mekong River Delta to supply ammunition for US Coast Guard vessel on November 21, 1968
U.S.S. Wright (CC–2) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Yorktown (CVS–10) VA has no activities listed
U.S.S. Zelima (AF–49) [Auxiliary Stores Ship] conducted numerous on shore supply replenishments at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, Vung Tau, and An Thoi from July-October 1965, January-August 1966, October-December 1968, and May-June 1969
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