Daniela Porat
Daniela Porat is a reporting fellow at ProPublica.
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Daniela Porat is a reporting fellow. She covers consumer product safety. Prior to joining ProPublica, Porat worked as a reporter for Investigative Post in Buffalo, New York, where she exposed wrongdoing in the local police department. Her reporting led to significant reforms within the department and was twice recognized by the New York State Associated Press Association. In addition to an investigation that documented the stop-and-frisk tactics of two police units, she published a series that exposed how the department’s lax training standards contributed to the fatal drowning of a dive-team officer.
As a member of the computer-assisted reporting team at The New York Times, Porat documented over 300 shootings for a report on gun violence across the United States. Her reporting has also been published by VICE News and the Miami Herald. She graduated with honors from the Columbia Journalism School and earned a B.A. in art history and political science from McGill University.
Senators Call on Highway Administration to Finalize Car Seat Test Rules
Two senators, citing ProPublica’s reporting on the dangers of Evenflo’s booster seats, want NHTSA to finish rules that Congress mandated 20 years ago.
by Patricia Callahan and Daniela Porat,
Do You Make, Test or Market Car Seats or Boosters?
Do you or did you work with any of the booster seat makers? How were they tested and marketed? We want to hear from you.
by Patricia Callahan and Daniela Porat,
The Most Important Thing Every Parent Needs to Know About Car Seat Safety
ProPublica has published a report on how one booster seat maker put children at risk. For parents, here’s some of the most pressing information our reporters discovered during their investigation.
by Daniela Porat and Patricia Callahan,
Watch: Test Videos Reveal How Evenflo Put Children at Risk
There’s no government oversight of side-impact tests, so Evenflo made up its own and gave itself passing grades.
by Lucas Waldron and Daniela Porat,
Evenflo, Maker of the “Big Kid” Booster Seat, Put Profits Over Child Safety
Internal video of side-impact tests shows that children could be injured or killed in Evenflo's “Big Kid” booster seats. But the company continued to market them as “side-impact tested.”
by Daniela Porat and Patricia Callahan,
The Car Seat Industry Helped Delay a Child Safety Regulation — Again
A long-delayed safety standard for children’s car seats in side-impact crashes is being pushed back further. The industry is arguing that the government should not act without also updating its other safety standards for car seats.
by Daniela Porat,
What Happened to All the Jobs Trump Promised? An Update
Since the election, President Trump has made 35 specific claims about companies adding or saving American jobs thanks to his intervention. Spoiler Alert: They haven’t held up.
by Daniela Porat, Lena V. Groeger and Isaac Arnsdorf,
Weak Oversight Lets Dangerous Nurses Work in New York
New York lags behind other states in vetting nurses and moving to discipline those who are incompetent or commit crimes. Often, even those disciplined by other states or New York agencies hold clear licenses.
by Daniela Porat and Rosalind Adams for ProPublica and Jessica Huseman, ProPublica,