Lawrence Mower
Varias celebridades gastaron millones de dólares para que ex convictos de Florida pudieran votar. ¿Marcarán alguna diferencia?
Casi 13,000 ex convictos de Florida ahora podrían calificar para votar, después de un esfuerzo apoyado por Michael Bloomberg para pagar sus multas y honorarios judiciales. Pero muchos aún no saben que ya pueden participar en las elecciones legalmente.
por Lawrence Mower y Langston Taylor, Miami Herald and Tampa Bay Times,
Celebrities Spent Millions So Florida Felons Could Vote. Will It Make a Difference?
Nearly 13,000 Florida felons could now be eligible to vote after a Michael Bloomberg-backed push to pay their court fines and fees. But many still don’t know they can legally cast a ballot.
by Lawrence Mower and Langston Taylor, Miami Herald and Tampa Bay Times,
In Florida, the Gutting of a Landmark Law Leaves Few Felons Likely to Vote
State officials don’t know how many felons are registered or eligible to vote. So we did our own analysis and found only a very small percentage of them will be able to cast ballots this election. Some could face prosecution if they do.
by Lawrence Mower and Langston Taylor, Miami Herald and Tampa Bay Times,