
Feds Charge Man as New Orleans Inquiry Turns to Vigilante Violence

The federal investigation into what occurred in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina entered a new phase with civil rights charges against Roland J. Bourgeois Jr., a white man who prosecutors said opened fire on a trio of African-American males.

Goldman's SEC Settlement by the Numbers: We Do the Math

How much does the "largest-ever penalty paid by a Wall Street firm" really affect a financial behemoth like Goldman Sachs?

Drilling Company Says It Will List Hazardous Chemicals Used in Fracking

Range Resources plans to disclose details of the chemicals it uses to drill for natural gas in Pennsylvania. Some believe that chemicals used in the drilling process, called hydraulic fracturing, are contaminating drinking water.

Interior: Blowout Preventers on BP’s Relief Wells Also Had Problems

Buried in a memo about the drilling moratorium was a reminder of risks that go beyond BP's ruptured well in the Gulf. Even the relief wells have had problems needing repairs.

Fried Chicken, Krispy Kreme and Lobbying

The Office of Congressional Ethics is looking into a series of fundraisers leading up to House action on financial reform last December.

The Questionable Cost of America's Spy Games

Everyone loves a good spy story, but as recent cases show, they don't always live up to the hype. Witness the cases of the suburban sleepers and the Iranian nuclear scientist.

Troubled Nurses Skip from State to State Under Compact

A 24-state compact has provided cover for nurses suspected of negligence or misconduct, leaving them free to work across nearly half the country and potentially put patients in jeopardy.

Louisiana Presses Campaign for BP to Fund Mental Health Services

After Louisiana appeals to the federal government, BP finally responds to the state’s request for mental health money. But it is still unclear whether the company will help.

ProPublica's New iPhone App -- Now on the iPad, Too

We have released a new version of our application for the iPhone and the iPad.

Gulf Seafood Gets Chemically Tested for Oil, Not Dispersant

Federal agencies, in a scramble for science, are developing tests to detect the presence of oil dispersants in fish. They are also trying to better understand what harm the chemicals may cause in seafood.

With Criticism Falling on BP, Well's Co-Owners Refuse to Pay Bills

As cleanup costs in the Gulf continue to stack up, BP is getting no financial help from the partners in its ruptured well, Anadarko Petroleum and MOEX Offshore. Anadarko has been public in its criticism of BP’s operating decisions.

Six More Charged in New Orleans Danziger Bridge Shootings

Foreign Help in the Gulf: The Facts Are Murky

New articles have painted a sometimes inaccurate picture of a federal bureaucracy getting in the way of foreign help in the Gulf. The misinformation and an obsession with a few extra skimmers seem to be obscuring real questions about the oil cleanup.

Coast Guard Photos Show Spill Workers Without Protective Gear

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration requires oil cleanup workers to wear gloves, rubber boots and other safety equipment, but Coast Guard pictures from Texas show the rules aren't always followed. OSHA says it is addressing the problem.

Coast Guard Changes Its Mind About Media Access to Safety Zones

Journalists will no longer have to ask permission to get close to oil cleanup operations in the Gulf of Mexico.The 'safety zone' rule and its hefty penalties were never intended to restrict reporting, the Coast Guard says.

BofA on Accounting Maneuvers: Our Statement Stands (If Read Carefully)

Turns out, we were on the right track when we asked Bank of America about its balance sheet. In letters to the SEC, BofA has admitted making transactions that incorrectly hid billions in debt.

For Gas-Drilling Data, There’s a New Place to Dig

A couple of environmental and public health groups have teamed up to create FracTracker, a website that lets users post and find information about natural gas drilling and where it is happening.

Watch: Police Video Shows ProPublica Photographer Detained in Texas

A video taken from a police camera shows officers and a BP security guard questioning our photographer in Texas. The photographer was taking pictures near BP's refinery in Texas City.

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