
BP Keeps Up Its Negligence Denials Despite Texas Officials' Insistence

BP expands its explanation of a lawyer's "negligence" comment, but Texas officials stand by their account.

How WikiLeaks Could Change the Way Reporters Deal With Secrets

Journalists often consulted with sources on whether to release sensitive information, but the WkiLeaks case changes all that.

Obama Administration Considers Bypassing Congress on Immigration Reform

Leaked memo shows that the Obama administration is considering bypassing Congress to get immigration reforms that would give permanent resident status to tens of thousands of people currently in the country illegally.

Citigroup to Pay $1 for Every $500 in Subprime Exposure It Hid

Citigroup paid $75 million to settle charges that it hid exposure to more than $40 billion in subprime CDOs, and two executives were fined for their roles in the misstatements.

Texas Officials: BP's Lawyer Acknowledged Company Negligence

Officials in Texas say a BP lawyer told them that negligence could be a cause of the Gulf disaster. BP holds fast with its denials.

Drilling Accountability Bill Would Regulate Fracturing Too

A Senate bill aimed at cracking down on oil drillers after the Gulf spill includes a measure to require companies to make public what chemicals they've injected underground in natural gas drilling.

Insurance Companies Profit From Fallen Soldiers’ Funds

The death of a soldier causes pain for loved ones, but some insurance companies can profit by holding onto payouts and pocketing most of the interest.

On Day 100 of the BP Disaster, U.S. Has Two New Spills to Deal With

An accident at an old wellhead spews more oil into the Gulf of Mexico, and a ruptured pipe causes a big leak in Michigan.

Tell Us About Your BP Claim

ProPublica’s Unofficial Guide to BP Spill Claims

Seeking compensation for damages from the Gulf spill? Here’s our handy guide.

¿Usted ha registrado una demanda con BP?

Lectores, necesitamos su ayuda. Es hora de examinar la operación masiva de las demandas establecida por BP para los daños del derramamiento de crudo y gas en el Golfo de México.

Đang khiếu nại về dầu tràn với BP?

Đang khiếu nại về dầu tràn với BP?

Have You Filed a Claim With BP?

To hold BP and the government accountable, ProPublica wants to hear from those who have filed damage claims related to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

For BP and Hayward, Company Shake-Up Has a Silver Lining

Tony Hayward loses his job. BP posts record losses. Will millions in pension and billions in tax savings sweeten their situation?

Mental Health Claims From Oil Spill Probably Won’t Be Paid

The administrator of BP's $20 billion fund says he will probably not compensate people for mental health claims. "You have to draw the line somewhere," the administrator, Kenneth Feinberg, told members of Congress recently.

BP’s Toxic Release in Texas City Under Investigation

The Texas attorney general, with one suit already pending against BP, is now looking into the recent release of toxic chemicals from the company's Texas City refinery. State environmental officials pushed the case to the attorney general unusually quickly.

Pentagon Papers Reporter: What the WikiLeaks 'War Logs' Tell Us

Classified documents leaked in a time of war. The comparisons abound, but what did the Pentagon Papers say about Vietnam, and what do the War Logs tell us now?

A Reading List to Put the WikiLeaks 'War Logs' in Context

The WikiLeaks documents on the war in Afghanistan provide a closer look at Pakistan, civilian casualities and other long-building issues.

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