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In a Notoriously Polluted Area of the Country, Massive New Chemical Plants Are Still Moving In

Data from an EPA model indicates that communities along the lower Mississippi River corridor already face severely elevated cancer risks from industrial activity. Massive new chemical plants are slated to be built there anyway.

Updated: Dollars for Docs

How much are your doctors being paid by drug or device companies? Look them up in our newly updated database.

Trump Town

Tracking White House staffers, Cabinet members and political appointees across the government

Bailout Tracker: See Where More Than $600 Billion Went

ProPublica is still tracking where every dollar of taxpayer money from the 2008 bailout of the financial system has gone. See for yourself.

ER Inspector: Find and Evaluate Every Emergency Room Near You

To get the best care possible, your choice of emergency room matters. Use ER Inspector to look up hospitals ahead of time so you can evaluate where to go in an emergency.

Trump’s Get Out of Jail Free Card for a Convicted Scammer Is Full of Half-Truths and Omissions

Arkansas businessman Ted Suhl was given a rare commutation after serving less than half of a seven-year sentence for bribery and fraud. We annotated the official White House announcement to fill in some key missing details.

ProPublica’s Collaborative Data Journalism Guide

Learn tips and best practices on how to set up and run a collaborative reporting project.

You Can Now See Who’s Contributing to 2020 Presidential Campaigns by State

ProPublica is making available the quarterly records of itemized contributions to presidential candidates by state. Track the money going into presidential campaigns using ProPublica’s interactive database, FEC Itemizer.

Follow the 2020 Money Trail

Presidential candidates must file their campaign finances quarterly and their next deadline is July 15. Keep track of the money they’re raising and spending using ProPublica’s interactive database, FEC Itemizer.

Meet the Data Institute Class of 2019

We’re thrilled to announce the 12 outstanding journalists who will be joining us for the Data Institute this year.

Anatomy of the Gambling Bill

Illinois is going to dramatically expand gambling. Here’s the bill and what it means.

What Happened to All the Jobs Trump Promised? An Update

Since the election, President Trump has made 35 specific claims about companies adding or saving American jobs thanks to his intervention. Spoiler Alert: They haven’t held up.

Where in the U.S. Are You Most Likely to Be Audited by the IRS?

A new study shows dramatic regional differences in who gets audited. The hardest hit? Poor workers across the country.

A Guide to Every Permitted Natural Gas Well in West Virginia

For the first time ever, ProPublica and the Gazette-Mail used software to show over 5,000 permitted wells and the pads on which they sit. Here’s what they look like.

See How Your Doctor or Provider’s Prescribing Patterns Compare

Medicare’s popular prescription-drug program serves more than 42 million people and pays for more than one of every four prescriptions written nationwide. Use this tool to find and compare over 460,000 doctors and other providers who wrote over 50 prescriptions in Part D in 2016.

How We Analyzed Video Gambling in Illinois

Here’s how we conducted an in-depth look at the rapid expansion of video gambling in the state and its financial and social costs.

Powerless: What It Looks and Sounds Like When a Gas Driller Overruns Your Land

The gas rush is upending communities with traffic and noise, reshaping the way the state looks and sounds. Residents are often powerless to stop it.

The Ticket Trap

We’ve collected data on 54 million tickets issued over the past two decades in the city. Search for your address and compare your ward with others, and see how Chicago’s reliance on ticketing affects motorists across the city.

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