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Holding Political Actors Accountable

411 stories published since 2016

Sen. David Perdue Sold His Home to a Finance Industry Official Whose Organization Was Lobbying the Senate

Pistols, a Hearse and Trucks Playing Chicken: Why Some Voters Felt Harassed and Intimidated at the Polls

How Dozens of Trump’s Political Appointees Will Stay in Government After Biden Takes Over

Trump Races to Weaken Environmental and Worker Protections, and Implement Other Last-Minute Policies, Before Jan. 20

Tracking the Trump Administration’s “Midnight Regulations”

Georgia Senator David Perdue Privately Pushed for a Tax Break for Rich Sports Teamowners

Junior Staffer Says Top Alaska Official Told Her to Keep Allegations of Misconduct Secret

Trump Campaign Officials Started Pressuring Georgia’s Secretary of State Long Before the Election

Trump ganó Florida tras publicar un anuncio falso que vinculaba a Biden con los socialistas venezolanos

Trump Won Florida After Running a False Ad Tying Biden to Venezuelan Socialists

El mito del voto latino y lo que los medios pueden aprender del 2020

The Myth of the Latino Vote and What Newsrooms Must Learn From 2020

The Unexpected Benefits of Thinking for Yourself in an Age of Polling

Electionland 2020: How Election Day Went

Esto es lo que pasará si Trump intenta lograr una victoria electoral mediante demandas

If Trump Tries to Sue His Way to Election Victory, Here’s What Happens

Al menos 800,000 residentes de estados clave recibieron robocalls pidiéndoles que se “quedaran en casa” el día de las elecciones. El FBI está investigando.

Robocalls Told at Least 800,000 Swing State Residents to “Stay Home” on Election Day. The FBI Is Investigating.

Philadelphia niega la acusación de la campaña de Trump de que prohíbe a los observadores electorales republicanos

Guía de ProPublica sobre las leyes y demandas electorales de 2020

Electionland de ProPublica: El estado del Día de las Elecciones de 2020

Philadelphia Denies Trump Campaign Allegation of Banning Republican Poll Watchers

ProPublica’s Electionland: The State of Election Day 2020

ProPublica’s Guide to 2020 Election Laws and Lawsuits

Varias celebridades gastaron millones de dólares para que ex convictos de Florida pudieran votar. ¿Marcarán alguna diferencia?

La importancia del caso Bush vs. Gore en la elección de 2020

Celebrities Spent Millions So Florida Felons Could Vote. Will It Make a Difference?

Why Bush v. Gore Still Matters in 2020

How to “Follow the Money” in an Election

Cómo seguir la pista del dinero en una elección

Susan Collins Backed Down From a Fight With Private Equity. Now They’re Underwriting Her Reelection.

How to Follow a Local Political Race

Cómo seguir una contienda política local

Who Is My Member of Congress? How to Find Out What Your Elected Officials Have Been Up To.

¿Quién es mi representante en el Congreso? Cómo averiguar lo que sus funcionarios electos han estado haciendo

Qué hacer si cambia de opinión y decide votar en persona y no por correo

El atascamiento partidista en la Comisión Estatal Electoral de Wisconsin frustra a electores y funcionarios locales

¿Los cubanoamericanos le darán el triunfo a Trump en Florida?

With All Eyes on Wisconsin, Partisan Gridlock at State Elections Commission Frustrates Voters and Local Officials

Could Trump’s Success With Cuban American Voters Help Tip Florida His Way?

Cómo detectar (y combatir) la desinformación electoral

How to Spot (and Fight) Election Misinformation

Una guía para la votación en persona vs. la votación por correo

A Guide to In-Person Voting vs. Mail-In Voting

Cómo votar durante una pandemia

How to Vote During a Pandemic

Veterans Affairs Secretary Headlines GOP Fundraiser as COVID-19 Cases Surge

Inside the Fall of the CDC

Millions of Mail-In Votes Have Already Been Cast in Battleground States. Track Their Progress Here.

Robert Lighthizer Blew Up 60 Years of Trade Policy. Nobody Knows What Happens Next.